Perio 1 Final (1st half) Flashcards
A functional system of different tissues that invest & support teeth
What is included in the periodontium?
Alveolar bone
Soft tissue that covers the alveolar process & cervical portions of teeth; firmly attached to teeth & surrounding bone
Gingival unit consists of
- gingival margin
- marginal/free gingiva
- gingival sulcus
- attached gingiva
- interdental gingiva
- col
- free gingival groove
- mucogingival jx
What describes the following clinical presentation?
Free gingival margin (scalloped, coral pink, keratinized), attached gingiva (keratinized & stippled), alveolar mucosa (loose, darker red, NONkeratinized), bleeding <10% total probing sites; pocket depth 1-3 mm, can occur on intact or reduced periodontium
Healthy gingiva
Pigmentation results from synthesis of melanin by melanocytes, located in
The basal layer of the epithelium
Unattached/free gingiva, border that surrounds the teeth, can be separated from tooth by a perio probe
Marginal gingiva
Shallow crevice between the marginal gingiva & enamel/cementum, can be also be called a pocket
Gingival sulcus
Transudate or exudate; contains a wide array of biochemical factors and is used as a marker for health & disease
Gingival (crevicular) fluid
In a healthy sulcus, the amount of gingival fluid is _______ ________. During inflammation, the gingival fluid flow ________.
very small; increases
Gingival fluid functions (4)
- Cleanse materials from sulcus.
- Contains plasma proteins to improve adhesion of epithelium to tooth
- Antimicrobial properties
- Antibody activity to defend gingiva
Firm, dense, stippled, tightly bound to periosteum/tooth/bone; coral pink color; immobile; keratinized
Attached gingiva
Attachment of gingiva on anterior vs. posterior teeth
Great on anterior teeth (maxilla more than mandible); narrowest on posterior teeth
Contour of gingiva
More scalloped anteriorly, becomes a straighter line posteriorly
A shallow, V-shaped groove that’s closely associated with the apical free gingiva; runs parallel to margin of gingiva; seldom present
Free gingival groove
Shape determined by interproximal relationship of teeth; pyramidal in anterior regions, flattened in BL direction in molar regions
Interdental gingiva (papilla)
Relationship of interdental gingiva to labial and lingual gingiva; conforms to shape of interproximal contact
In areas of diastemas, is there a col?
No, because there is no interproximal contact
Junction of gingiva & alveolar mucosa
Mucogingival junction
Covers basal part of alveolar process, continues into vestibular area on buccal aspect of teeth & floor of the mouth on the lingual aspect; loosely attached to periosteum (movable)
Alveolar mucosa
Gingival epithelium consists of _________ __________ epithelium. What are the 3 types?
Stratified squameous
- Outer/oral epithelium
- Sulcular epithelium
- Junctional epithelium
Continuous lining of stratifed squameous epithelium; covers marginal gingiva & attached gingiva; keratinized/parakeratinized; 4 layers (stratum basale, spinosum, granulosum, & corneum)
Oral epithelium
Lines gingival sulcus; thin, NONkeratinized, stratified squamous epithelium (without rete pegs); from coronal limit of JE to crest of gingival margin; semipermiable membrane (bacteria can pass thru); lacks stratum granulosum & corneum; no merkel cells
has the potentail to keratinize if exposed to the oral cavity
Sulcular epithelium
Stratified squamous, NONkeratinized epithelium; attached to tooth surface by internal basal lamina (no type IV collagen)
Junctional Epithelium
Gingival fiber group that attaches gingiva to tooth
Gingivodental fibers
Gingival fiber group that attaches the tooth to the periosteum
Dentoperiosteal fibers
Gingival fibers consist of
Type 1 collagen
Gingival fiber functions (3)
- Brace marginal gingiva
- Withstand forces of mastication
- Unite marginal gingiva to cementum and attached gingiva
3 groups of gingival fibers
- gingivodental (tooth to gingiva)
- circular (around tooth)
- transseptal (between 2 teeth)
Gingival fibers extend from:
- the tooth to the crest of the gingiva (pulls sulcus towards tooth)
- the tooth to the outer surface of attached gingiva
- the tooth to the external periosteum
Cellular elements of gingiva (6)
- fibroblasts
- mast cells
- macrophages
- histocytes
- adipose
- eosinophils
Gingival blood supply is primarily from?
Alveolar process
Gingival blood supply is secondarily from?
Vascular plexus adjacent to JE & oral epithelium
Palatal mucosa does NOT have
Mucogingival junction
Hard CT that covers root; main function is to attach PDL fibers to tooth; non-vascularized; more resistant to resorption; light yellow color (lighter than dentin); not as hard as dentin
Cementum chemical composition
45-50% inoraganic substances (Ca & P hydroxyapatite, trace elements)
50-55% organic material & H2O
Type I collagen & proteoglycans
Types of cementum
Forms 1st (before teeth are in occlusion); covers cervical 1/3 or 1/2; no cells; calcified Sharpey’s fibers (Type I collagen); collagen fibers are parallel to roots
Acellular cementum
Formed after teeth are in occlusion; irregular; contains cementocytes; less calcified; resembles bone
Cellular cementum
Cementum thickness
Continuous deposition, especially at apex (due to occlusal wear)
What is hypercementosis due to?
Physiological or pathologic conditions (ex= bruxing)
Cementum functions (3)
- Attachment of collagen fibers from tooth to alveolar bone
- Protects dentin
- Passive eruption
Form the bone that supports the teeth within the sockets; only develops during the eruption of teeth
Alveolar process
Chemical composition of alveolar bone
1/3 organic = 90% type I collagen
2/3 inorganic = hydroxyapatite, Na, Mg, & Fl
Alveolar process components (3)
Cortical plate
Alverolar bone proper
Where is the alveolar crest located?
1.5-2 mm below CEJ
Fenestration vs. dehiscence
Fenestration = hole
Dehiscence = complete opening
*Cause is not clear and may complicate periodontal surgery
CT that surrounds the root & connects it to the bone; continuously adapting to support teeth; highly cellular & vascular
PDL fiber composition
Principle fibers = Sharpey’s fibers
Type 1 collagen
Anastamosing network between tooth & bone
PDL fibers
Principle fibers of the PDL (6)
- Transseptal group
- Alveolar crest group
- Horizontal group
- Oblique group
- Apical group
- Interradicular group
Extend over the alveolar crest between teeth; imbedded in cementum at both ends; always present
Transseptal fibers
Extend obliquely from alveolar crest to cementum below JE; prevents extrusion; resists lateral movements
Alveolar crest fibers
Extend at right angles to tooth; anchored in cementum at one end and in alveolar bone at the other
Horizontal fibers
Largest group of PDL fibers; extend from bone to cementum in an apically oblique direction; withstand vertical forces
Oblique fibers
Fibers extend from apex to base of socket; not present on incomplete roots
Apical fibers
Fibers extend from cementum to bone in furcations
Interradicular fibers
PDL functions (5)
- soft-tissue casing to protect vessels/nerves from injury by mechanical forces
- transmission of occlusal forces to bone
- attachment of teeth to bone
- maintains gingival tissues in proper relationship to teeth
- resists impact of occlusal forces
PDL blood supply sources
Branches from the alveolar A
Branches from the interradicular AA
Gingival vessels
PDL blood supply is very well ______________
PDL nerve supply
Sensory = penetrates ligament thru apical foramina, foramina in alveolar wall, terminates as free endings
Autonomics = from superior cerivcal ganglion
4 types of nerve endings in PDL
- free nerve endings (pain)
- Ruffini-like mechanoreceptors
- Meissner corpuscles (mechanoreceptors)
- pressure & vibration endings
Fusion of the cementum & alveolar bone, obliteration of PDL; results in root resorption, PDL replaced by bone
Principal fibers are comprised of collagen ______, reticular fibers of collagen ______, and basal lamina collagen ______.
Type I; Type III; Type IV
The expression of collagen type XII occurs during…
Tooth development & timed with alignment and organization of periodontal fibers
The expression of collagen type XII is limited to…
Tooth development to cells within PDL
Type VI collagen immunolocalized to
PDL and gingiva