OP 1 Final Flashcards
shape of the preparation itself
outline form
What do these 4 factors establish?
- Access to the lesion (allows to visualize extent of caries and for burs to reach all carious lesions)
- Extent of the lesion (the extent of the caries in the dentin is what ULTIMATELY determines the preparation size)
- Restorative material to be used (ie amalgam or porcelain need a 90 degree cavosurface margin but composite or gold need a beveling of the margin)
- Esthetics
Outline form
T/F Outline form should be made so that occlusal contact NEVER hits the margin of the restoration
shape given to the prep to prevent fracture of either the restoration or the tooth
resistance form
What are these 3 things examples of?
- adequate bulking of amalgam
- rounding of internal line angles
- horizontal pulpal and gingival floors being prepared perpendicular to the tooth’s long axis
resistance form
Why is the prep placed 0.5 mm into the dentin?
- Avoid the sensitive DEJ
- Provide adequate bulk of restorative material
- Take advantage of the dentin’s resilient nature
What prevents fracture?
Resistance form
shape that prevents the restoration from being displaced by tipping or lifting forces
retention form
What are these 5 things examples of?
- undercuts
- truncations
- grooves
- pins
- dovetails
Retention form
What prevents displacement?
Retention form
What will come from converging walls, and sometimes the dovetail?
Primary retention
What helps retain the restoration in case the primary retention fails?
Secondary retention
What are these 11 things examples of?
- grooves
- coves
- extensions
- skirts
- beveled margins
- pins
- slots
- steps
- amalgam pins
- etchants
- adhesives
Secondary retention
What can also sometimes be considered a secondary retention factor?
shape that allows the needed procedure to be performed
convenience form
what allows for vision, access, etc. and is what influences the outline form itself?
convenience form
Why do amalgam preparations tend to have to have a few extra things done to them in order to be appropriate?
Amalgam does not directly adhere to the tooth
Because amalgam does not directly adhere to the tooth, what is usually necessary in order to maintain proper strength of amalgam restorations?
expansions of the prep
T/F Although dovetails are always beneficial on any preparation, they are VERY important for amalgam
What do amalgam preparations for class IIs require in order to minimize undermined enamel rods?
(while with composite, it is not necessary)
Reverse S curve
What is very vital in order to have maximal strength in amalgam restorations?
T/F Amalgam does not need to be triturated to activate
FALSE, amalgam must be triturated in order to activate!!
T/F Amalgam cannot be added onto set amalgam and must be redone if necessary
Amalgam cannot be polished/finished until at least ____________ after placing placing (use _________ first and then ________; on slow speed); Has _______ tensile strength.
24 hours; brownie; greenie; low
T/F Composite preparations usually have a more conservative outline
What is NOT necessary for class II composite preps that is necessary for class II amalgam preps?
Reverse S curve
Axial wall retention grooves
What is the retention form in class II composite preps?
Converging walls (primary)
Adhesive system (secondary)
T/F Composite restorations tend to be weaker and are not the best choice for posterior teeth
What is more prevalent and can progress more rapidly in composite restorations?
Recurrent/secondary caries
What is the longevity of a composite restoration in comparison to an amalgam restoration?
1/2 the longevity of amalgam
What is necessary for composite, but NOT necessary for amalgam?
Curing light
T/F Composite CAN be added to composite unlike with amalgam, and finishing/ polishing can be done immediately with composite unlike amalgam
the process of curing monomers being converted from an aggregate of freely flowing molecules to a rigid assembly of cross-linked polymer chains
What results in a substantial volume contraction during curing?
The higher the degree of conversion, the higher the ________________ _____________
polymerization shrinkage
The higher the ___________ ____________, the lower the polymerization shrinkage
filler content
Polymerization shrinkage with bonding can cause ___________ at the restorative interface. The more tension, the higher the likelihood of ____________ _____________
tensions; post-op sensitivity
Incremental placement of composite should be done __________ to avoid opposite walls in roughly _________ increments
obliquely; 2mm
What is the exception when it comes to recommended thickness of composite increments?
Box of a class II prep
(should be a roughly 1mm horizontal placement first before doing the standard oblique 2mm rule afterwards)
The interaction between two dissimilar metals and saliva; causes an electric shock to occur
Galvanic sensitivity/shock
A gold crown touching an amalgam restoration or aluminum foil touching amalgam
Galvanic sensitivity/shock
Pain, increased odds of restoration fracture AND/OR tooth fracture, increased sensitivity, periodontal issues around finished tooth, TMJ/TMD problems, root canal, unhappy patients
Clinical manifestations of hyperocclusion
Reasons for post-op sensitivity (6)
- Aggressive tooth preparation (ex: inadequate use of a cooling system, inefficient cutting instruments, & deep preps getting closer to more open dentinal tubules)
- Lack of adequate condensation of amalgam, ESPECIALLY with lateral condensation of proximal boxes
- Incorrect use of adhesive systems; ie using it for too long of a time (enamel and dentin have different etching times)
- Not using a liner or base when indicated
- Formation of microgaps from restoration shrinkage
- Aggressive finishing of restoration
Ways to prevent post-op sensitivity (3)
- Be mindful of the tooth preparation and the systems that you are using!! (for example, make sure to use etchants properly or a desensitizer solution after dentin acid etching)
- Add composite incrementally to reduce polymerization shrinkage
- Be careful with finishing/polishing restorations
T/F Traumatic occlusion is NOT an initiating factor, but can be a CONTRIBUTORY factor to periodontal disease
Trauma from occlusion has been linked to higher risk of what?
Furcation involvement
What is the main type of acid used in enamel etching?
Phosphoric acid (35-37%)
GI Conditioner is usually composed of what?
Polyacrylic acid
Composite curing is ________ activated, with dentistry using ______ light
light; blue
What occurs when light is placed on the composite?
Polymerization shrinkage related to bonded and unbonded surfaces follows what?
The cavity geometric configuration system, or C-factor
The higher the C-factor, the higher the __________
C-factor can be found by ?
Bound surfaces/unbound surfaces
What is the C factor in a class I?
What is the C factor in a class II?
What is the C factor in a class V or sealant?
Contraindications of resin (5)
- Allergy
- Replacement of cusps
- Large restorations on those with bruxism or where occlusal stress would be on restoration
- High caries risk (pt. noncompliance)
- When rubber dam isolation is not possible
Contraindications of amalgam (3)
- When esthetics are high priority
- Extensive destruction of tooth
- Cavity is small (leading to unnecessary removal of tooth structure)