ICD Final Flashcards
How to assess HR
Palpate radial pulse
Normal resting pulse range
60-100 bpm
< 60 bpm
> 100 bpm
Measurement of the pressure of the blood in the circulatory system (arteries).
Blood pressure
Closely related to the force and rate of the heartbeat and the diameter and elasticity of the arterial walls
Blood pressure
Measurement of pressure in the arteries when the heart CONTRACTS and blood is forced from chambers into the arteries
Systolic BP
Measurement of pressure in the arteries when the heart is AT REST, between contractions
Diastolic BP
“Constant pressure” in the arteries
Diastolic BP
Difference between systolic BP and diastolic BP
Pulse pressure
Normal BP
Normal pulse pressure
40 mmHg
BP recording
Indicate position, which arm, and size of cuff.
RAS (right arm sitting), LAS (left arm sitting)
What do you palpate when you take BP manually?
Brachial artery
BP variations
Time of day
Physical activity
Full bladder
Chemical substances (nicotine, caffeine)
Disease states (cardiovascular, kidney disease)
How to take respiratory rate
Observe the rise and fall of a patient’s chest
Normal respiratory rate
10-14 breaths/min
< 10 RR
> 20 RR
Shortness of breath
Shortness of breath related to recumbent position
Normal temp
> 100
< 94.0
Alterations in normal body temperature
Disease process
Physical activity
Environmental temp
What do we use to take temp?
Tempadot (blue dot)
NexTemp (black dot)
What does the last dot indicate on Tempadot and NexTemp?
The temperature
How to use Tempadot and NexTemp
Place under the tongue, as far back as possible, into one of the heat pockets.
Wait 60 seconds, but less than 2 min to remove from pt and wait 10 more sec to read temp.
Normal O2 saturation/pulse ox
Types of cardiac rhythms
Regularly irregular
Irregularly irregular
Systolic BP > or = to 140 OR
Diastolic BP > or = to 90
To diagnose someone with hypertension, it must be recorded in ____ or more readings on ____ or more occasions
2; 2
Treatment for hypertension
B blockers
Centrally acting agents
Decrease in systolic & diastolic BP below normal with accompanying symptoms (dizziness)
Causes of hypotension
Cardiac insufficiency
Decrease blood volume (dehydration, hemorrhage)
Severe infection
Medical emergency station locations in basement
Vending machine
Medical emergency station locations in 1st floor
Oral surgery
South hall
Emergency clinic
Medical emergency station locations in 2nd floor
Between Alpha and Bravo
Between Echo and Foxtrot
Medical emergency station locations in 3rd floor
One cycle of CPR
30 chest compressions
2 breaths
How long does it take to do 5 cycles of CPR if they are given at the rate of 100/min?
2 mins
CPR steps
CAB (compression, airway, breathing)
What do you do if there is a pulse but no breath?
Give 1 breath every 5 seconds
What must you do before starting CPR
Check your surroundings
When to use Nasal Cannula (O2 tank bag) and flow
Pt. can breath through nose, good for those who hate tight spaces
Flow = 1-6 LPM
When to use Ambu Bag (O2 tank bag) and flow
Pt not breathing - CPR necessary
Flow = 25 LPM (MAX)
When to use Quick Connect (Green/Black) Positive Pressure Mask (O2 tank bag) and flow
Pt is not breathing - CPR necessary
Flow = 0
*never have flow control valve running!!!!
Which O2 delivery system is ULSD’s 1st choice?
Quick Connect (Green/Black) Positive Pressure Mask (O2 tank bag)
When to use CPR Facemask and flow
Pts who can’t breathe well through nose, higher O2 content, covers mouth and nose
Flow = 6-15
In emergency kit and used for manual glucose monitoring
In emergency kit and used for bleeding control
In emergency kit and used for reversing effects of opioid overdose; last 30 - 90 minutes
Narcan nasal spray (4mg)
In emergency kit and used for anaphylaxis/severe immediate hypersensitivity rxns; hold for 10 seconds
EpiPen 1 adult single dose (0.3mg)
In emergency kit and used for
In emergency kit and used for anaphylaxis or severe immediate hypersensitivity rxns
Epinephrine 1:1000 1mg/1ml (inject SQ/IM)
In emergency kit and used for symptomatic relief of allergic symptoms caused by histamine release (nasal allergies and allergic dermatosis); adjunct to epinephrine in anaphylaxis tx
Benadryl 50 mg/ml (inject 1ml IM)
Benadryl tabs (25mg)
In emergency bag and used for tx or prevention of angina pectoris
Nitroglycerin sublingual tabs (0.4mg)
In emergency bag and used for tx of hypoglycemia
Instaglucose gel
Glucose tabs (dextrose)
In emergency bag and used for prevention/tx of fainting
Ammonia inhalants
In emergency bag and used for tx or prevention of bronchospasm in patients with asthma or exercise-induced bronchospasm
Ventolin/Albuterol Inhaler
In emergency bag and used for ischemic stroke/attack and acute coronary syndromes
Aspirin tabs
Limp body, pale/clammy face, blue fingernails or lips, vomiting, slow breathing/heartbeat, constricted/pinpoint pupils
Opioid OD
How to treat opioid OD
Narcan, put pt in recovery position, give second dose if necessary
Passed out, loss of consciousness, BP/HR slow and weak
How to treat syncope
Ammonia, Oxygen, supine position, loosen clothing and cool towel, monitor HR and RR, give CPR if needed
Due to anxiety or panic attack, increased RR/HR, rapid and deep breathing
How to treat hyperventilation
Make pt comfortable, calm them down, make pt breathe into a paper bag, call 911 if LOC and use Ammonia
Tightness in chest, feel constricted, dyspepsia (indigestion), pain can radiate to neck, jaw or left arm
Chest pain/angina pectoris
How to treat chronic stable angina vs an acute attack
Chronic stable angina Tx: Nitroglycerin and Oxygen if trouble breathing/pale
Acute attack Tx: call 911, Oxygen, Nitroglycerin, Aspirin
Rapid pulse, hangry, confused, normal/decreased BP, pale, dizzy, weak