Pathophysiology of smoking Flashcards
what is the general effect of smoking ?
Tarin the lungs can decrease respiratory efficiency by increasing diffusion distance between air and the blood . This potentially contributes to physical blockages .
can exacerbate any existing respiratory conditions like asthma
what is cilia ?
projections from cells which push materials upwards out of the lungs
how do the airways clear themselves ?
cilia clear the airways by pushing material upwards out of the lungs
what does smoking do to cilia ?
deposits from smoke causes inflammation and damage to the cilia
what is emphysema ?
direct damage and inflammation causes the breakdown of tissues in the lungs
the walls within and between alveoli breaks down converting many air sacs into a smaller number of large ones
what is bronchitis ?
inflammation of the bronchi
results in accumulation of mucus , reducing flow through the airways and a persistent cough to try clear it .
what is pulmonary fibrosis ?
development of scar tissue within the lung
reduces the functional lung volume and is irreversible
what are some symptoms of pulmonary fibrosis ?
breathlessness , low blood oxygen
finger clubbing is a distinctive symptom
can smoking cause cancer outside of the airway ?
yes can cause to other cancer types and areas
what is atherosclerosis ?
smoking increases LDL and reduces HDL levels
promotes plaques in arteries
where does atherosclerosis occur ?
heart / cardiovascular system
what effect does smoke have on heart volume and blood pressure ?
increase heart volume and blood pressure
where does carbon monoxide occur from ?
product of incomplete combustion .
carbon not fully reacted with oxygen to make carbon dioxide
why is carbon monoxide toxic ?
binds to haemoglobin better than oxygen results in decreased oxygen in the blood for the body
heart + lungs must work harder to compensate
what are some other effects of smoking ?
reproductive issues
death of tissues
general ill health