pathology of the upper gi tract Flashcards
do squamous eptihl have keratin
yes, so it can cope with acid
what are the complaiotn of oesphagul refluxe wihc is headed by fibrois
osepgaul ubstion
stricture fomation
impared osepagul mobilty
changes ot cell in ospegual reflux
thickeing of squmaou eptih and ulcaron of osugale epithiul
change in barrets opseugs
sqaumous epitheluim
risk factors for squamous caricmao
drinking, smokiing, dietary caringoesm
risk for barrets adenocarinoma
obesity, barrets metalpaia
where can ospgual cancer spread in blood
what is the types of gastriteis
autimmine - type a
bacterial - type b
chemical - type c
what happens in autoimmue gastriteis
autobodies attach parita cells and intrisic facors
leading to atropy of speciled acid section gast eptih
symptos of autime gastic
decreased acid section
loss of inticisinc factors - b12 deficaines
what is the cuase of bacterial gastritis
helicobacter pylori
effect of helicoapcatio pylori gastires
acure and chroiam incflation respons and incrased acid production
chemical gasties cuase
nsid, alchol, bile reflux
cause o fpeptic ulcers
incable betwen acid secaoitn and mucosu barrier
h pulaori
complicaiton of pepsitic ucler
bleeding- acure or chonci
healign by fibgrois leading to obstuciotn
what baceria can lead to gastric cancer
h pylori infection
wher can cpeptic ulcer be foudn
lower oespgus, body and anturo of stoma, first and section part of duodenum