hepatobillary pathology Flashcards
fucntions of hte liver
protein syntheis,
metabolism of fat and carbs
detoxification of alcohol and toxin and drugs
what is hepatitis
inflation of the liver
what are cuaes of hepatiis
viruses, alchol, drugs
what are the types of food and water hepatitises
a, e
what are hte sexula hepatpites
b, c
in what type of hep can the outcome be resolution of inflation to normal state
a, e
in what type of hepatitis cna lead to liver failure
a, b, e
in what type of hepatis can lead to progressive chonic hepatites and cirroshos
b, c
what is the changes in the lver as a result of alcholoic liver disease
acute inflatiomation, liver cell death, liver failure,
liver becomes much more fatty
cause of jondice
increase in bilrubin
what are the pathwarys whih ccan lead to bilirubin metabolism
post hepatic
prehepabitc bilicrumb metabolism
breakdown of haemogloin in splen for form haem and globin
haem concreged to bilurin
biliruin realsed into circuation
what are hte hepatic metabolisjm of bilirubin
uptake of bilirubin by hepatocytes
conjugtated bilirubin into billary system
excretion of conjugated bilirubin into biliary system
pathway of bilirubin metabolism post hepatic
transprot of conjugated bilirubin in billary system
breakdown of bilirubin conjugate in intesitnes
reabsopnton of biliruin though enterhepatic circution
preheabtic jaueince
increawse relase of heamoglonin from red blood cells (haemolysis)
hepatic cuase of jaundice
intrahepatic bile duct obstucton
accumulaton of bile within hepatocytes or bile canaliculi
causes of cholestais
viral hepatiis
alchol hepatis
liver failure
what is the differnece betwen predicatibs and unpredicel drug induced symptsons
unpredictable - any dose can cause an adverse reaction
predictable - more likely to happen in higher doesse
what is intrahepatic bile duct obstrucrtion cuases
tumours of the liver
priamry sclerosing cholangistis
primar biliary cholangitis
what are example of tumours of the liver
hepatocellurla carcinoma
turmours within intrahepatic bile ducts
metatisc tumours
what is primary biliary cholangitis
an organ spefic granulomatus inflatoin involving the bile ducts
it is autoimmune
cuase loss of intrahepatic bile ducts and causes cirrhosis
what is the sign of primary biliary cholangits
raised alkaline phosphatase
who is mainly effected by primianry bilary cholangitis
what type of cell is effected by primary bilary choldites
mitochonial antibodies
how is mianly effected by sclerosing cholangitis
young men with ibf
what is damaged as a result of primary sclerosing cholagits
chromic inflation and firbous obliter of bile ducts
loss of intra hepatic bile ducts
disting feature betwene sclerosing and bilary
no grnamuos tissue in sclerosing i
what happen sin long tern primary sclerosing cholangitis
prgoressive to cirrhosis
incresing the risk of development of cholangiocarnioa
what are the causes of cirrhosis
hep b, c
immune mediated liver diease, auto immune hepatis
preimary birlary cholangits
metabolic disorers
excess iorn
- primary haemochomatoes
excess coppers
- wilsons disae
- diabtes melluitsi
complicaitons of cirrhosis
altered liver function
abnomral blood flow - protal hyperteion
incraed risk of hepatocleluar coarcinoma
what cell is infected in heptocellluar carncinma
what cell in infceted in cholangiocarcinoma
bile epithelium
what are post hepatic causes of jaundice
choleithiasis (bile stones)
diseases of gall bladder
extrahepatic duct obstruction
what are risk factos for gallstones
what si acute cholcystissi
inflatom of the gall bladder
effect of acute cholecytsi
- bilariay peritoneis (bile in the abdomial cavity
perforation fo the gall balder
what is chronic cholesy
fibross of the gall bladder
what are the causes of common bile duct obstruction
gall stoens
bile duct tumous
benign stricture
exterial compes ie tumours of other orans
effect of bile ductio obstion
no bile exfeitn into duceum, leading to steokarea
infceiton of bile proximal to obsrtionction
sectionary bilary cirrhosis