Inflamatory bowel disease Flashcards
conditsion included in ibd
chrones, uc and microcpic oloitns
where does uc start and psread to
rectum and spreds proximmary but is contiane in colon
where is chones found
it is found in patches anywehre in the body,
what is when you have both uc and chrones
it is ibdu - unclaise inflatioary bowol disease
what is the two types of microscopci bowel disease
collangous colits and lympathcoic cytis
who is colangous colanits mainly seen in
what are the sympons of collangeous colonitis
belly pain
watery diharrea
cause of collangous colantis
inflatmo of the cell, reduice the absoaptonof water due to thicekn of eptilum
wha tis lympathic coltois
increas in lympathc cell
what is lympathc colotis asosiced with
meds such a sppi and ns aids
auto immune conditions such as rhmaoid artheris and celiac disease
symptons of lymphocytic colitis
dirahes and abdoal pain, simlar to collangeous colitis
treatmetn for lymphoticy colits
does smokng increase risk for chones or uc
increase risk for chrones
reuces risk for UC
symptons of ibd
diahre, rectal bleeding, weight loss, fatique and abdomal pain
what bacteira are presnt in ibd more than in nroaml immenune system
acinobacteria and proteobacteria
what bacteira is presnet less in ibd
bacteroidets and lachnospiracease
what is the average age for uc
20 - 40
what is the symptson of uc
bloody diarrhoea
abdomal pain
weight loss
what area if inlfatin in procitis
rectum only
wjat area is inflatiend in procisgnitis
recutm and sigmoid col
what area is inflaed in left side colholits
all of hte left side of the colon
what area is inflated in pancolitis
whole colon
sympons of procitis
freqycl urgen, incotin an tenesums
proxla faecl status constiapion
how to treat procitsi
topical therpaty
what is acute severe colitis
life threatening meidcial emercey with high mortaily of 2%`
scale of severity fo uc
mild less than 4 stools per day, with or with blood, normal esr, no sight of toxicity
moderate - 4- 6 stools per day, occasaioal blood, minla sings of toxicity , reduced crp
severe colitis , 6 or more blood stool, and any of , raised temp , tachycardia, anemai esr and raised crp
fulmainat - 10 stools per day, contius bleeding, toxicity k abdal tendersns or distion, tranfusion requice, colic dilation on x ray
bloods fuction in uc
inflamation marker, normocytic microcytic anemai
crp, wcc platlels, incrased
albumin reudced
stool test for uc
look for calprotecign and cultrue for incetion
colonsocpy for uc
to look for maliganyc and polyops
what is 1 and 2 on brisl tsotl tat
1 rabbit droping
2 - saus sheped byut lumps
what is type 3, 4 and 5 on bristol stool chart
3 - sausage with cracks on surface
4 - sausag or smake and smoth and soft
5 - soft blobs with clear out edges
what is 6 and 7 on bristol stool caht
6 - flffy pcies with ragged edge
7 ligquid
tests for acute sever coloitsn in first 24 hours
blood tests
stool chart
4 cidf cultres
drug tramtesn for first 24 hours for colitis
avoid / stop non sterold analgsi, opidaes, and dihrsl ant coholanse
iv glucocorticoids,
iv hydration
what is the sympoosn of choroens disease
diharrheoa, abdomal pain, weight loss, malsais, lethary, anoxia, low grade fever, malabsobition, anemai, vi deifion
blood for chornes
look for inflations
stool for crones
to rule out infection if dihrar and fecla claproteicino
what level of felauproic is normal, equivola nd elevated
0-50 nroal, 50 -200 equivol , greater than 200 raised
what scan are done for crones
capusl endocpys, colonsocpy, mri small bowel stuy, occasional ct scan if acutly unwell
what is the differen in histolgy bwtwen crones and uc
uc - goblet cell deped
greater cyrpa abcess
limited to mucoa
cd - tranmulra infalton
what are some stucla complication ue to chroesn
what is perianal choens disasesympons
unable to sit
pus secretion
perianal pain
investigation for perianal crohns disease
mri pelvis
examion under anemaiths
treatment for perianal choens
surgyer to drain it and put stent in place
extrainteal manfiion of ibd
mot ulcer, skin / lesion, mucaion erthy nodum, pydodrl gancer, parim sclerous cholangitws
cuase of choicn digrea
malabopoi e.g. pancreai inusigo or biel acid malabion, coleica diase, ibs, overflow diarra
why does biel acid malbaion cause dihora
as bile acid is an laxative
what are other diffencatno for ibd
ileocacel tb, coltiis, invfacein, amoberi, ishcmic
who is most at risk fo rcolonic carcina
pancolits and those who have it for longest
how oftne should low risk, medu risk and high risk people with adenocarino have colonsocpy from 10 years of onset of disease
low - 5, medium 3, high 1 year interval
treatment pyimad of ibd
5 asa / sulfaszalide
predinsone or budensoid
immuno modulatrs
biologic gaens
what is amiosaclicyates exampels
penseate which work on small bolw
can 5asa be used in choesn
no , only effect in uc
how can 5asa be used
orally dialy
during flairups
rectal topically
who can recive steroid
both uc and cd
common steroid
budesonid and prenosale
what is required of rprenisole
calcium and vid d supplement
what can metoterxate be used for
choesn only
issue with methotreaat
it is a tetartogenic
hwo qalify for methotrexate
steroid dependednt paitiens
who can methoga be used on
crones only
what are hte monc cona antiboids which can be used
infliximan - anti tnf alph antib
8 wekk iv infion
new treatm for ibs
tonacinib, pan jak inahtor and is used orally
how to give inflimab
8 weekly iv infuions
what is the preiclp of elemtal feeding
feeding of only certain food snad othering else, non effecig in adults
what is emergy cusry requied for ibd
acute sever colitis athat is not resond to high dose iv setoids
complatio such as perforation, absfes and fobsution
what is the elective surgyer for in ibd
frequent relapse despite medical treatment
not able to tolerate medical treatment
steroid dependant
patient choice
what is hte pouhc sueryg
wher the rmain reculaa stump can be use as a pouch to soer feauces
wha is the downside of the pouch
it can lead to severla times per day need to go to toiled
can become infelcteld and inlfamed
can have obstions