Pancreas Flashcards
Demonstration of he pancreatic head surrounding the duodenum is consistent with
- A phelgmon
- Ectopic pancreas tissue
- Pancreas division
- An annular pancreas
- An annular pancreas
Common clinical findings associated with acute pancreatitis include
- LUQ pain, flank pain, elevated glucose levels
- Severe epigastric pain, nausea/ vomiting, elevated bilirubin
- Paralytic ileus, severe epigastric pain, elevated serum lipase
- RUQ pain, nausea/ vomiting, elevated alkaline phosphatase
- Paralytic ileus, severe epigastric pain, elevated serum lipase
Which of the following enzymes is responsible for the breakdown of proteins into amino acids?
- Amylase
- Gastrin
- Lipase
- Trypsin
- Trypsin
The location of the uncinate process is described as
- Superior to the aorta
- Anterior to the MPV
- Posterior to the SMV
- Lateral to the GDA
- Posterior to the SMV
The most common complication associated with acute pancreatitis is
- Abscess
- Phelgmon
- Pseudocyst
- Bowel obstruction
Islet cells of langerhands secrete hormones directly into the:
- Duodenum
- Bloodstream
- Lymphatic circulation
- Main pancreatic duct
- Bloodstream
In a whipped procedure, normal pancreatic tissue is attached to the:
- Liver
- Stomach
- Duodenum
Extension of pancreatic inflammation into the peri pancreatic tissue is called:
- Abscess
- Pseudocyst
- Phelgmon
- Annular pancreas
- Phelgmon
The most common cause of acute pancreatitis is:
- Alcohol abuse
- Biliary disease
- Hyperlipidemia
- Peptic ulcer disease
- Biliary disease
A 59 YO male inpatient presents with a history of acute pancreatitis. Based on this clinical history, the calliper s in this sonogram are most likely measuring a:
- Biloma
- Phelgmon
- Pseudocyst
- Duodenal obstruction
- Pseudocyst
Which of the following structures is demonstrated directly anterior to the SV.
- SA
- Pancreatic duct
- Pancreatic duct
Which of the following vascular structures does the arrow identify?
- Abdominal aorta
- SA
- Abdominal aorta
The findings in this sonogram are most suspicious for:
- Abscess
- Pseudocyst
- Malignant neoplasm
- Islet cell tumor
- Malignant neoplasm
The anechoic tubular structure demonstrated anterior to the SV is most likely:
- Gastric varix
- DIalted pancreatic duct
- Tortuous SA
- Enlarged SMV
- Dilated pancreatic duct
Pseudocyst s formation is most commonly located in which of the following recesses?
- Lesser sac
- Perirenal space
- Anterior pararenal space
- Subhepatic space
- Lesser sac
Which of the following enzymes changes fats into fatty acids and glycerol?
- Amylase
- Gastrin
- Lipase
- Trypsin
- Lipase
Which region of the pancreas is located most superiorly?
- Head
- Body
- Neck
- Tail
- Tail
Ectopic pancreatic tissue is most commonly located in which of the following organs?
- Liver
- Spleen
- Kidney
- Stomach
- Stomach
The pancreas and surrounding vascular landmarks should be examined from the level of the:
- Celiac axis to below the renal veins
- SMA to below the Renal artery’s
- MPV to below the renal veins
- SA to below the SMV
- Celiac axis to below the renal veins
Which of the following pathologies accounts for half of the cystic neoplasm involving the pancreas?
- Retention cyst
- Cystic fibrosis
- Polycystic disease
- Micro cystic cystadenoma
- Micro cystic cystadenoma
In acute pancreatitis, which of the following laboratory tests remains elevated longest?
- Lipase
- Amylase
- Bilirubin
- Glucose
- Lipase
The main pancreatic duct is most commonly visualized in which section of the pancreas?
- Head
- Body
- Neck
- Tail
- Body
The majority of non functioning islet cell tumors are
- Malignant
- Hyperechoic in echo texture
- Located in the head of the pancreas e
- Dependent on insulin levels
- Malignant
Chronic pancreatitis is most likely to appear on U/S as
- Enlarged hypoechoic a crease with multiple parenchymal calcifications
- Hyperehoic enlarged pancreas with associated Pseudocyst formation
- Hypoechoic irregular pancreas with multiple parenchymal calcifications
- Hyperechoic pancreas with a prominent pancreatic duct and multiple parenchymal calcifications
- Hyperechooc pancreas with prominent pancreatic duct and multiple parenchymal calcifications
Clinical findings commonly associated with pancreatic carcinoma may include
- Chest pain
- Weight gain
- New onset of diabetes s
- Intolerance to fatty foods
- New onset of diabetes
A patient presents with a history of elevating insulin levels. Based on this history, the sonographic findings is most suspicious for:
- Adenoma
- Focal pancreatitis
- Islet cell tumors
- Adenocarcinoma
- Islet cell tumors
The sonographic appearance of the pancreas is this asymptomatic patient is most suspicious for:
- A phlegmon
- Microlithiasis
- Chronic pancreatitis
- Normal pancreas parenchyma
- Chronic pancreatitis
The Anechoic structure located in the lateral portion of the pancreatic head is the:
An endocrine function of the pancreas includes secretion of:
- Gastrin
- Lipase
- Insulin
- Trypsin
- Insulin
Which of the following vascular landmarks is located superior to the pancreas:
- SV
- Celiac axis
- Celiac axis
The tail of the pancreas Generally extends towards the:
- Stomach
- Splenic hilum
- Pararenal space
- Left Renal hilum
- Splenic hilum
Which of the following vascular structures is used as a Sonographic landmark in located the tail of the pancreas
- SA
- SV
- Portosplenic confluence
The diameter of the pancreatic duct in the head/neck region should not exceed
- 2mm
- 3mm
- 6mm
- 10mm
- 3mm
Which of the following structures is responsible for the secretion of pancreatic enzymes?
- Beta cells
- Acinar cells
- Alpha cells
- Islet cells of langerhans
- Acinar cells
Which of the following best describes the location of the pancreatic neck?
- Posterior to the SMV
- Superior to the celiac axis
- Anterior to the portosplenic confluence
- Posterior to the SMA
- Anterior to the portosplenic confluence
The majority of the pancreatic malignancies involve which portion of the pancreas?
- Head
- Neck
- Body
- Tail
- Head
In which section of the pancreas are islet cell tumors most commonly located?
- Body and tail
- Head and body
- Neck and body
- Head and tail
- Body and tail
The secondary secretory duct of the pancreas is termed the duct of
- Vater
- Langerhans
- Santorini
- Wirsung
- Santorini
Gain settings should be in place to demonstrate the normal adult pancreas as:
- Hypoechoic compared with the normal liver
- Hypoechoic compared with the normal renal cortex
- Hyperechoic compared with the normal spleen
- Isoechoic compared with the normal liver
- Isoechoic compared to the normal liver
The SMV corresponds to which of the following letters?
- A
- B
- D
- E
- D
The abdominal aorta corresponds to which of the following letters
- A
- B
- D
- E
- A
The SMA corresponds to which of the following letters?
- A
- B
- D
- E
- B
Letter B corresponds to which of the following vascular structure?
- SA
- Celiac Axis
Letter C corresponds to which of the following vascular structure?
- SV
- Coronary vein
The majority of Cystadenoma involving the pancreas are located in the
- Body and tail
- Head and neck
- Head and body
- Uncinate process
- Body and tail
The section of the pancreas lying most anterior is the
- Head
- Neck
- Body
- Tail
C. Body
Which of the following structures should be evaluated when multiple cysts are discovered in the pancreas?
- Kidneys, liver, spleen
- Kidney, liver, adrenal glands
- Spleen, kidneys, ovaries/ testes
- Liver, spleen, abdominal aorta
- Kidney, liver, spleen
Rapid progression of pancreatic inflammation is a compilation associated with:
- Acute cholecystitis
- Cystic fibrosis
- Acute pancreatitis
- Biliary obstruction
- Acute pancreatitis
Sheath of muscle fibres surrounding the distal CBD describes the
- Ampulla of vater
- Minor papilla
- Sphincter of oddi
- Major papilla
C. Sphincter of oddi
The leakage of pancreatic enzymes into the surrounding peritoneal spaces describes a
- Abscess
- Seroma
- Pseudocyst
- Phlegmon
C. Psuedocyst