Palpation Mod 1 Flashcards
Patient Prone Ischial tuberosity Where does the lateral palpation start? (Place.. where you begin)
Middle of Gluteal Fold, Superior and Medial
What can you slide up to assess the Ischial tube in prone?
What attaches to the Ischial Tuberosioty?
Semitendinosis, Semimembranosis, Bicep Femoris (Long Head) Sacrotuberous Lig, Add Magnus, Ischiocavernous, Quad Femoris, Inferior Gemellus,
What muscles make uo the Hamstrings?
Semiten, SemiMemb, Biscep Fem
Using patient active engagment, if you have a broad hand placed on the hamstrings how would you que the patient to activate these?
Secure legs down and ask the person to bring their heels towards their hip
(Prone) Bicep Femoris.. what is the origin and insertion?
Long Head- Isch tube to Fibular head
Short Head - Linea aspera
What is the N.A of Bicep Femoris?
N: LONG Head - Sciatic Tibial Div (L5-S2)
N: SHORT Head- Sciatic FIBular Div (L5-S2)
A: Deep Femoral
What is more superficial of the hamstring muscles? Semi Ten? Or Semi Memb?
SemiTEND is more Superficial of these 2
Semi Ten has a T and T is on TOP!!
What are the landmarks for the Semitendinosus ?
Iichial Tuberosity to Medial part of tibia
What are the landmarks for the Semimembranosus ?
Iichial Tuberosity to Medial part of tibia
Of the Hamstrings which has the most anterior distal attachment?
Semimembranosus or Semitendinosus has a vertical attachment on the medial part of the tibia?
Semimembranosus, Semi Ten moves more anterior for Pes group
Where is the iliolumbar ligament? What is its function?
TVP of L5 TO Posterior Aspect of the Iliac crest and Iliac Fossa
What are the landmarks for the Iliolumbar palpation (Patient Prone)
PSIS- and L5
Lateral to the centerline, and medial to the iliac crest.. Patient in prone.. what structure might you find approximatly L5?
Iliolumbar ligament
What ligament overlies the iliolumbar ligament?
Intertransverse ligament
PSIS.. Medial to sacrum… and superior… What hard tissue would I be looking for?
Iliolumbar Ligamant
What is the triangulation for the iliolumbar ligament?
Wing of Ilium
(Intersection between these when going superior and medial)
What are the attachments of Piriformis?
Lateral boarder of sacrum to Greater trochanter
What is the Nerve and artery of Piriformis?
Nerve to piriformis S1-2
Gluteal (Sup and Inf)
Internal pudendal
What muscle connects the axial skeleton to the abaxial skeleton?
What are the bony landmarks for the Piriformis?
Greater Trochanter and Sacrum
If I am on the ASIS, and the crest of the ilium and approximating my finger what might I find?
Iliac tubercle
What muscle has an attachment on the iliac tubercle ?
IT Tract
What is the attachments of Iliacus?
Iliac Crest, Iliac fossa. to Lesser trochanter
How can Breath be something to help someone get onto Iliacus in Lateral?
As the person Exhales you can roll your finger pads into/ more in the iliac fossa to assess Iliacus
Iliac Tubercle and ASIS. Moving towards eachother on the lip of the ilum.. what MUSCLE would Be here?
Sideline TFL Bony Landmarks?
ASIS, Greater trochanter, Iliac Tubercle
What is the nerve and Artery of Iliacus?
Femoral nerve L2-3
Arterial iliolimbar obturator
What is the Origin of TFL?
ASIS and Iliac crest
to IT tubercle on tibia
Functions of Glute Med?
Medial Rotation and Abduction
Posterior to TFL, Anterior to Glute Max.. I would find?
Glute Med (Sup Gluteal Nerve L5-S1)
What bony landmarks can we use for Glute Med?
ASIS, Iliac tubercle, Iliac Crest- Attachment to Greater Trochanter Make a triangle
In Supine the Ischial Tuberosity. What can we use as a lateral bony landmark?
Greater Trochanter ans slide medially and Posteriorly
What is the best method of getting on the inguinal Ligament?
ASIS, and visualize midline (Pubic bone kinda Sketch)
What Ligament …. originates from the uterine horn and travels through the inguinal canal to attach at the labia majora.
Round ligament (biological females only)
By using the ASIS, and Inguinal Ligament, and Sartorius.. What will we be able to find?
Psoas and Iliacus
What are the boundaries of the Femoral Triangle?
Superior border - inguinal ligament.
Medial border - adductor longus muscle.
Lateral border - sartorius muscle.
Medial floor - adductor longus and pectineus muscles.
Lateral floor - iliopsoas muscle.
From Lateral to Medial, what is the NAVL in the femoral Triangle
Nerve (Femoral)
Artery (Femoral)
Vein (great saphenous vein drains into the femoral vein
Lymphatic (Superfical and deep inguinal lymph nodes)
How do you differentiate between the iliacus and psoas near the pelvic brim?
Sink into abdominal wall (Obliques)
Stay close to pelvic brim, and sink in past the ASIS
What bony land mark can we find if we are on the ilium, and using TFL?
Iliac tubercle
What is the Origin and Insertion of Tensor Fasciae Latae?
ASIS and outer lip of Iliac crest to Tubercle of IT Tract on tibia (Iliotibial Tract)
What is the Arterial and Nerve of Tensor Fasciae Latae?
Superior Gluteal (L4-S1)
Superior Gluteal Artery
What are the actions of Tensor Fasciae Latae?
Medial Rotation, Abduction, and Flexion of Thigh
What are the bony landmarks for palpation of the Tensor Fasciae Latae?
ASIS, Iliac Crest- Lay posterior and Distal and Whala!
What are the attachments of the IT Tract?
Iliac Crest to the tibia