Lesion Mod 1 Questions Flashcards
What did A.T Still consider when naming his newfound method of treating?
“Still considered the words “pathology” and “bone” after examining the Greek word Osteon (Bone) and Pathos (Suffering). He coined and adopted the word “Osteopathy.” (pg.3)”
When was the first College of Osteopathy established and where was it charted.
The first college of osteopathy was established in 1892.
What was the statutory definition of medicine and osteopathy?
“The system, method, or science of treating diseases of the human body, commonly
known as osteopathy, and as taught and practiced by the American School of Osteopathy of Kirksville,
What is the definition of Osteopathy as a school of medicine?
“Osteopathy is a complete system of therapy based on two fundamentals; (1) the
normal, living body creates its own remedies against infection and other toxic agents; (2) the body is a vital machine, and correct adjustment is necessary if these remedies are able to be created and applied where needed.”
What is Osteopathic diagnosis comprised of?
The osteopathic diagnosis comprised physical
examination of the entire body- Skeletal, somatic, and visceral, nervous, and glandular, its distinguishing feature being an intensive search for and study of the osteopathic lesion. Physical findings, chemical, x-ray and other laboratory procedures have a definite place in osteopathic diagnosis. Osteopathy includes the treatment of diseases of women and children, of the eye, ear, nose, throat, and other special parts of the body. From its inception, obstetrics and surgery have been part of osteopathy. (Pg.6)”
According to the American illustrated Medical Dictionary, what is the definition of osteopathy?
“That system of healing art that places the chief emphasis on the structural integrity of the body mechanism, as being the most important single factor to maintain the well-being of the organism in health and disease. (Pg.7)”
What is the osteopathic concept?
The body produces its own healing substances.” 2, “Health depends on structural integrity.” 3, “Perverted structure is a fundamental cause of disease.”
In 1892, A.T Still wrote “Osteopathy as a philosophy is unanswerable, ________.
“Osteopathy as a philosophy is unanswerable, and as a system of healing disease it has no equal.
List 10 things to discuss the osteopathic concept.
The normal living body creates the forces and fluids necessary for its growth and
life and for its protection against disease. It manufactures the remedies and forces
necessary for its own recovery from the effects of disease and injury.”
b. “The body is a vital machine and must be in correct structural adjustment.”
c. “A tendency to normal is a constant factor and may, unaided, be all that is necessary
to restore health.”
d. “Injury and disease may attack certain parts with such force that the body cannot,
unaided, bring about a return to normal.”
e. “Nerves controlling all tissues of the body are in intimate relation with spinal cord
centers; therefore, examination into the nature of body disorders, leads to the spine
and to the tissues of the spinal joints.”
f. Pathological conditions, functional or organic, mechanical or chemical, nervous or
mental, may be caused or aggravated by the osteopathic lesion.”
g. “A traumatic joint-lesion as the direct cause of disorder is frequently found.”
h. “Either with or without the presence of a traumatic joint lesion, a reflex spindle
lesion usually results from any disease or injury.”
i. “Further, as soon as such reflex spinal lesion is established, it of itself becomes
causative of disorder in that part or in some other part of the body.”
j. “Manual adjustment of the spinal and extra-spinal joints and other parts of the body
as indicated and is effective.”
What was A.T Still’s discovery of the spinal joint lesion?
The spinal-joint lesion, which fitted directly into his concept of health and disease.
“Any alteration in the normal position or excursion of the bony tissues of a spinal joint. (Pg.11). 2; “any alteration in the normal functioning of the soft tissue (muscle, ligaments, nerves, capillaries, nerve centers and ganglia) of the joint, which causes or is caused by, local or remote tissue disturbances.
What did H. I. Magoun say about the Sacro-iliac joint?
In my experience the Sacro-iliac lesion causes much tonic tension and many reflex
symptoms; lesions of the feet and of the acromioclavicular joints to a lesser degree
What is Hulett’s definition of the osteopathic lesion?
The Osteopathic lesion is any structural perversion which by pressure produces or
maintains functional disorder.
According to the signs and symptoms of the osteopathic lesion, what are perversions of movement?
An osteopathic lesion is a functional perversion of a freely movable articulation within or beyond its physiological range but at all times, within its anatomical limits. (Pg.18)”
What are deductive signs of an osteopathic lesion?
“a disease process discovered remote from the spine is an indication to search for spinal lesions as an etiological factor. (P.25)”
If the disease is functional or organic, we search for:
- First a causative bony lesion
- second a reflex lesion complicating the bony.
If the disease is acute infectious, we search for:
- First a reflex lesion as a result
- second a bony lesion complicating and reflex. (P.25)”
What are the Objective signs of the osteopathic lesion?
1) Rigidity of vetebral joints, (Musc/Lig/Fascia)
2) Malpostions of bone
3) Perversion of Mvmt (Amount, Direction, Position)
4) Thicking of deep tissues (Oedema, Fibrotic)
5) Contracture
6) Contraction
7) Impaired resilience of joint
8) Posture stress
9) Localized edema
10) Redness
11) Palor/ Col
12) Dialation
14) Rough skin
15) Relaxartion of spine
What is the Osteopathic greater lesion complex?
“The osteopathic greater lesion complex (the physiological lesion) is a term that includes disturbances in all the segmentally related tissues: nervous, glandular, vascular, somatic, and visceral, wherever found in the body and influenced by abnormal reflex stimuli. (P.26)”
What does the term spinal lesion or spinal joint refer to?
“The term spinal lesion or spinal joint lesion refers to lesion pathology between
adjacent vertebra, or between a vertebra and occiput, the pelvis, or a rib. (P.26)”
What does the term articular lesion refer to?
The term articular lesion refers to lesion pathology in one of the several
articulations within a spinal joint. (P.26)”
What position is the tip of the spinous process in a flexion lesion?
“the spinous process is raised and separated from the tip below which causes it to be prominent and appear posterior- the posterior lesion. (26)”
What term is given if the upper of the two vertebra is forcibly side bent?
If the upper two vertebra is forcibly rotated (with side-bending following), we have a rotation side-bending lesion. If the upper of the two vertebra is forcibly side-bent (with rotation following), we have a side-bending rotation lesion. (26)”
What is a bony lesion?
The bony lesion is the lesion presenting a deviation in bony alignment. It is usually
of traumatic origin.
What are the signs of a group lesion?
When two or more adjacent spinal joints are affected with lesion symptoms of
similar nature, we speak of the presence of a group lesion. Rigidity and malposition are prominent signs of this lesion.
What are the 4 classifications of rib lesions?
- The Intervertebral lesion with rib involvement.
- The intervertebral lesion in the 2nd to 9th Dorsal region, without rib involvement is not found.
- The rib lesion with intervertebral joint involvement.
- The rib lesion without intervertebral joint involvement.
What causes secondary lesions?
Reflex lesion, Complimentary, supplying a deficency 27
What are the three classifications of lesions?
- Fixed, requiring manipulation to
produce flexibility. - Hypermobile, requiring rest, fixation, and constitutional treatment.
- Normally movable, (apparently) but having other lesion symptoms
Tissues of the field of influence of the reflex arcs which are disturbed by a lesion are conveniently referred to by the term ________?
Locus Minoris Resistentiae
How are spinal lesions named?
The location of a lesion it is named for the upper, or supported vertebra of the two involved.
In the OA lesion, what are the findings of a lateroflexed or rotated OA joint?
This lesion is one in which the occipital condyle on the same side of the produced convexity passes super-laterally and posteriorly and the occipital condyle on the side of the concavity passes infero-medially and anteriorly.
What is a torsioned Sacro-iliac lesion?
Condition in which the sacrum is rotated between the ilia around an axis which approximates the longitudinal axis of the sacrum.
What are Clavicular lesions?
- Anterior Clavicle when the superior aspect of the clavicle is rotated anteriorly. 2. Posterior Clavicle when the superior aspect of the clavicle is rotated posteriorly. These terms, anterior and posterior, apply to the sternoclavicular and to acromioclavicular lesions.
What are Clavicular lesions Where are they?
The clavicle can be in lesion at both ends simultaneously, or it can be lesioned at
either end independently of one another.
What are the four greatest classes of Osteopathic spinal lesions?
(1) To their cause
(2) Respeci to their age
“there are two great classes of spinal lesions, (1) traumatic and (2) Reflex. (P.35)” In the age category “there are two other great classes, (3) Acute and (4) Chronic.. (Either traumatic or reflex)
What are the characteristics of a traumatic lesion?
“Instantly upon its formation, has reflex symptoms caused by impulses from spinal cord centers in relation. The traumatic lesions may be either acute or chronic
What is a characteristic of a chronic lesion?
“The Chronic lesion is often the result of several acute lesions having at various intervals succeeded one another in certain segments. (P.36)”
Fibrous Contracture, Cumulative formation of fibrotic tissue in muscle fascilui and in ligament fibers
What is a fibrous contracture?
repeatedly occurring in the tissues of a certain joint is cumulative, and formation of fibrous tissue in muscle fasciculi and ligament-fibres is stimulated.
What is a causative lesion?
“The traumatic
lesion is sometimes called the causative lesion
reflex lesion becomes causative as soon as it is formed. If it were not, it would not be an osteopathic lesion.