Organizations Flashcards
Organization founded by 33 scientists in 1888
National Geographic Society
Sierra club founder
John Muir
Western European organization established to promote free trade - 1957
Cartel founded in Baghdad in 1960
AFL-CIO leader following Meany
Joseph Lane Kirkland
Organization established for overseas veterans
“We do by learning” organization
National Organization for Women founder
Betty Friedan
American Red Cross founder
Clara Barton
Famine relief fund raiser
Live Aid
Detroit-based union
United Auto Workers
Organization trying to unite Africa
Pan Africa
American Railway Union founder - 1893
Eugen Debs
March of Dimes founder
Franklin Roosevelt
Civil Rights organization founded in 1909
Defense organization founded April 4 - 1949
United Nation’s children’s aid organization
George Bernard Shaw’ socialist society
Fabian Society
Organization that teaches economics to youth
Junior Achievement
First Peace Corps director
Sargent Shriver
John Birch Society founder
Robert Welch
United Farm Workers founder
Cesar Chavez
Girl Scouts Founder
Juliette Low
19th Century English Socialist Society
Fabian Society
National youth service created in 1993
AFL founder
Samuel Gompers
League founded in 1910 to help blacks migrate
Urban League
“Rainbow Warriors” organization
Organization founded in Bogota in 1948
Largest teachers’ union
United Federation of Teachers
Teamsters president - 1991
Ron Carey
Group that teaches employment skills to youth
Job Corps
Boy Scouts Founder
Lord Baden-Powell
AFL-CIO leader - 1955-79
George Meany
League of Women Voters Founder
Carrie Chapman Catt
Animal protection group
Organization founded to aid political prisoners - 1961
Amnesty International
Organization founded by Carolyn Scott Harrison
Planned Parenthood founder
Margaret Sanger
America’s largest veteran’s organization
American Legion
International Red Cross founder
Henry Dunant
Hull House founder
Jane Adams
Special Olympics founder
Eunice Shriver
Salvation army Founder
William Booth
United Mine Workers leader (1920-60)
John L. Lewis
Location of NATO headquarters
Brussels Belgium
19th century female union leader
Mother Jones
Location of Interpol HQ
Railroad car manufacturer’s strike - 1894
Pullman strike
Teamsters leader - 1957-71
Jimmy Riddle Hoffa