Countries of the World Flashcards
Capital - Kabul Freedom Fighters Mujaheddin Former Ruling Party - Taliban Mountain Pass - Khyber Pass City Named for Alexander the Great - Kandahar
Capital - Tirana
Royalty - King Zog
Largest Country in Africa
Capital - Algiers
16th Century Fortress - Kasbah
Capital - Andorra La Vella
Mountains - Pyrenees
Principal Language - Catalan
Former Portuguese Colony
Capital - Luanda
Indigenous People - Bantu
Language - Portugese
Antigua and Barbuda
Largest Caribbean Leeward Islands
Capital - St. John’s
Capital - Buenos Aires Currency - Peso Language - Spanish Desert - Atacama (World's Driest Place) Mountain - Aconcagua (Summit in Argentina But Shared with Chile) Plains - The Pampas Southern Island Shared with Chile (Tierra Del Fuego) National Dance - Tango
Capital - Yerevan
Mountains - Caucasus
Only Nation on an Entire Continent, World’s 6th Largest Country
Capital - Canberra
Currency - Dollar
Largest City and Harbor Bridge Location - Sydney (Famous Opera House)
Opera Singer - Nellie Melba
Alcohol - Fosters, Yellow Tail
Gum Tree - Eucalyptus
States of Australia (6)
New South Wales Victoria Queensland South Australia Western Australia Tasmania
Capital - Vienna (the waltz city)
Winter Olympics Site, 1964/1976 - Innsbruck
Holy Roman Empress - Maria Theresa
20th Century Physicist - Erwin Schrodinger
Sometimes capital of HRE
Capital - Baku
Mountains - Caucus
Lake- Caspian Sea
Capital - Nassau (on New Providence)
Columbus Original Landing Point - San Salvador
Formerly East Pakistan
Capital - Dhaka
Bay of Bengal
Language - Bengali
Capital - Bridgetown
Island Group - Lesser Antillies
Singer - Rihanna
Belarus (
Former SSR
Capital - Minsk
Religion - Eastern Orthodox
Currency - Ruble
Won Independence from Netherlands Capital - Brussels (NATO Headquarters) Napoleonic Battle Site - Waterloo Language - Flemish Ethnic Groups - Flemings, Wallons Fictional Detective - Hercules Poirot Current King - Phillipe Colony - Belgian Congo
Formerly British Honduras
Capital - Belmopan
Capital - Hamilton
Capital - Thimphu
Mountains - Himalayas
Formerly Upper Peru, Named after Simon Bolivar
Admin Capital - La Paz (Highest Capital in World)
Lake - Titicaca
Capital - Sarajevo
Capital - Gaborone
Dessert - Kalahari
Largest Country in SA Capital - Brasilia Rio Beaches - Copacabana/Ipanima Religious Statue Overlooking Rio - Christ the Redeemer Largest City - Sao Paulo Language - Portugese Currency - Real
Island - Borneo
Ruler (By Decree) - Sultan of Brunei
Capital - Bandar Seri Begawan
Capital - Sophia
Burkina Faso
Formerly Upper Volta
Capital - Ouagadougou
Formerly Kampuchea Capital -- Phnom Penh Religion - Buddhism Ancient Empire - Khmer Empire Khmer Rouge Leader, Died 1998 - Pol Pot Ancient Buddhist Temple - Angkor Wat
World Second Largest Country 10 Provinces Capital - Ottowa Largest Island - Baffin Island PM - Stephen Harper NW Territory Lake - Great SLave Lake Nova Scotia French Area - Acadia Comedian and Actor - Jim Carrey Alberta National Park - Banff (Lake Louise) Canada to US proposed Pipeline - Keystone Yukon Gold Rush Area - Klondike Capitals Named for Queen Victoria - Victoria and Regina Nova Scotia Ship Builder - Cunard
Capital - N’jdamena
Dessert - Sahara
Southernmost SA Country
Capital - Santiago
Marxist President 1970-73 - Salvador Allende
Man who overthrew Allende - Augusto Pinochet
Mountain (Aconcagua - with Argentina)
Desert - Atacama (World’s Dryest place)
Southern Island - Tierra Del Fuego (With Argentina)
Pacific Island - Easter Island (Papa Nui)
Poet - Pablo Neruda
Female Author - Isabelle Allende
World's Third Largest Country Capital - Beijing (Formerly Peking) Major Language Dialects - Cantonese and Mandarin Ancient Northern China - Cathay Ancient Philosopher - Confucius Last Emperor - Pu-Yi Last Dynasty - Manchu Communist Revoluationary Leader - Mao Tse-Tung Premier Under Mao - Chou Enlai Head of Government 1976-92 - Deng Xiaoping Youth Military - Red Guard Chinese-American Architect - I.m. Pei Chinese-American Sleuth - Charlie Chan Chinese Self-Defense - Kung-Fu Richest Man in China - Jack Ma (Alibaba Founder) Desert - Gobi Longest River - Yangtze Second Longest River - Yellow Counting Table - Abacus Beijing Square - Tiananmen Square Beijing Temple - Temple of Heaven Beijing Central Area - Forbidden City Violent Uprising, 1900 - Boxer Rebellion Industrial Objection, 1956 - Great Leap Forward Egalitarian Movement, 1966 - Cultural Revolution Art of Furniture Arranging - Feng Shui President - Xi Jinping
Only South American Country with Caribbean and Pacific Coasts
Former Name - Gran-Columbia
Capital - Bogota
Auther - Gabriel Marquez
Republic of Congo
Capital - Brazzaville
Democratic Republic of Congo
Formerly Zaire
Capital - Kinshasa
River - Congo
Costa Rica
Capital - San Jose
President 1986-2010 - Oscar Arias Sanchez (Nobel Peace Prize Winner, 1987)
Capital - Zagreb (Last in Alphabetical Order)
Largest Island in Caribbean
Capital - Havana
Head of Gov’t - Raul Castro
Former Dictator, OVerthrown by Fidel - Batista
Castro’s Revolutionary Aide - Che Guevera
US Naval Base - Guantanamo Bay
Site of Failed Invasion, 1961 - Bay of Pigs
Brothers Pitching Major League Baseball - Livan and Orlando Hernandez
Capital - Nicosia
Mythical King - Pygmalion of Tyre
Czech Republic
Formerly part of Czechoslovakia Capital - Prague (city of 1000 spires) Prague Cathedral - St. Vitus 1968 - Prague Spring Leader During Prague Spring - Alexander Dubcek 1989 Revolution - Velvet Revolution President 1992-93, 1993 - Vaclav Havel Region - Bohemia New World Symphony Composer - Bedrich Smetana Female Tennis Star - Martina Navratilova Male Tennis Star - Ivan Lendl
Capital - Copenhagen
Peninsula - Jutland
Royalty - Margarethe II
Ruling House - Orange
Currency Krone
Overseas Regions - Greenland and Faroe Islands
Flag - Dannenbrog (World’s Oldest Flag) Red Field, white cross
Glazed Earthenware Down - Delft
Astronomer - Tycho Brahe
Philosopher - Soren Kierkegaard
Explorer - Vitus Bering (Bering Sea and Strait)
Physicist - Niels Bohr
Author - Isak Dinesen (Karen Blixen – Out of Africa)
Short Story Writer - Hans Christian Anderson
Piano Comis - Victor Borge
Copenhagen Harbor Fountain - The Little Mermaid
Copenhagen Amusement Park - Tivoli Gardens
Dominican Republic
Capital - Santo Domingo
Island - Hispaniola (Second Largest Island in the Caribbean)
East Germany
Now Part of Germany Capital - East Berlin Dividing Wall - berlin wall Berlin Wall Crossing Point - Brandenburg Gate Figure Skater - Katarina Witt
Equator Runs Through It
Capital - Quito
Currency - Sucre
Islands - Galapagos Islands
President (2012-13) Mohamed Morsi, now Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, prior to that Mubarak
Capital - Cairo (2nd Largest City in Africa - after Lagos)
Cairo Square - Tahrir Square
Dam - Aswan High Dam
Aswan Dam Lake - Lake Nasser
River - Nile
Canal - Suez
Currency - Pound
Largest Pyramid - Khufu (AKA Cheops)
Man Who overthrew King Farouk (1952) - Abdul Nasser
President, 1981-2011 - Hosni Mubarak
Amenhotep III’s son, 17th Century BC - Akhenaton
Akhenaton’s wife - Nefertiti
Longest Ruling Female Pharaoh, 14th Century BC - Hatshepsut
King Who Died at 18 - Tutankhamen (King Tut)
Book Found in Ancient Tombs - Book of the Dead
18th to 30th Century BC Dynasty - New Kingdom
19th Dynasty Rulers - Ramses II, Seti I
King Who Fathered 160 Children - Ramses II
Christian Sect - Coptic Church
El Salvador
Only Central American Country without a Caribbean Coastline
The smallest Central American Country
Capital - San Salvador
President 1980-82, 1984-89 - Jose Napolean Duarte
Capital - Tallinn
Capital - Addis Ababa
Country Newly Independent from Ethiopia - Eritrea
Emperor 1930-74 - Haile Selassie (aka Ras Tafari)
Capital - Suva
Largest Island - Viti Levu
Capital - Helsinki (Site of Human Rights Accord)
Northern Herdsmen - Lapps
Composer - Jean Sibelius
Finnish-American Architect - Eero Saarinen
Capital - Paris
Porcelain City - Limoges
National Anthem - Les Marseilles
Current Gov’t - 5th Republic
President 1958-69 - Charles De Gaulle
President 2007-12 - Nicholas Sarkozy (wife - Carla Bruni)
Tomb of the Unknown Soldier - Arc De Triomphe
Afghan President
President Ashraf Ghani
Albanian Nobel Peace Prize Winner
Nobel peace Prize Winner - Mother Teresa
French Southern Port
French Film Festival City
Spa City and World War 2 capital
Vichy (Chief of Vichey Gov’t - Marshal Petain
Former Seat of Papacy
Stained Glass Cathedral City
- Chartres
Paris Gardens Paris River
Paris River
Current French President
Current President - Francois Hollande
Finnish Cell PHone Maker
Cell Phone Maker - Nokia
Ancient Capitals of Egypt
Ancient Capitals - Memphis, Thebes
Site of 1982 War
Falkland Islands
Falkland Islands Argentine Name - Malvinas
Argentine Cowboys
President of Argentina 1946-55, 1973-74
Juan Peron
Juan Peron’s Second Wife, Died 1952 - Evita (Eva) Person
Juan Peron’s Third Wife and President – Isabella Person
Southern Plateau of Argentina
Southern Plateau - Patagonia
PM of Australia
Prime Minister - Tony Abbot
Color Changing Landmark “The Remarkable Pebble” –
Ayres Rock (Uluru)
Female Author Australian
- Colleen McCullough (The Thorn Birds)
Australian Tennis Grand Slam Winner
Tennis Grand Slam Winner - Margaret Court
Australian Open in mid January, the French Open in May/June, Wimbledon in June/July, and the US Open in August/September.
Australian Olympic Sites
Olympic Sites - 1956-Melbourne, 2000 - Sydney
Australian Super Model
Super Model - Elle McPherson
Holy Roman Empire Dynasty
Dynasty 1247-1918 (Hapsburg)
City of Treated the Ended War of 1812
Ghent (Belgium)
Flemish Painter
- Van Dyck (Beard named after him)
WWI Cemeteryin Belgium
- Flanders Field
Artist who taught Van Dyke
- Rubens (Belgian)
Flemish Cartographer
- Gerardus Mercator (Belgian)
Belgian Surrealist -
Rene Magritte
Australian Media Magnate
Media Magnate - Rupert Murdoch
Actress who Wore Fruit on her head
- Carmen Miranda