OPNAVINST 5100.19E B4 B5 hearing and sight conservation Flashcards
What chapter is hearing conservation program?
What is the instruction for safety and occupational health?
What chapter is sight conservation?
What is the number one occupational hazard for the fleet?
Hearing loss
Who will request from an industrial hygienist or occupational audiologist to conduct noise measurements and exposure analysis of areas and equipment?
The safety officer
Who will maintain a record of noise hazardous areas and equipment?
The safety officer
Who will ensure that the medical department reports all permanent threshold shifts?
The safety officer
Who will maintain and ensure proper calibration of sound level measuring equipment?
Industrial hygiene officer
Who will annually certify audio metric testing booths installed aboard ships?
Industrial hygiene officer
Who will ensure that a space of piece of equipment that is designated as noise hazardous is properly posted and labeled?
Division officer
Who will ensure that all personnel required to wear notice PPE wear it?
Division officer
Personnel with significant threshold shifts must be excluded from areas that exceed what db continuous or what db peak, for at least 14 hours prior to a scheduled hearing test?
84db continuous
140 db peak
Hearing pro may not be used to meet this requirement
Who will coordinate with the division officer to identify and maintain a current roster of personnel routinely exposed to hazardous levels of occupational noise, as guided by industrial hygienist guidelines?
Medical department rep
Who will conduct training for all hands during Indic that includes the element of the hearing conservation?
Medical department
Who completes the analysis of noise measurement?
Industrial hygienist
Occupational audiologist
What is the NAVMED 6260/2?
Hazardous noise warning decal
What is the NAVMED 6260/2A?
Hazardous noise label
What form is the hazardous s noise label?
NAVMED 6260/2
What is the form for hazardous noise labels?
NAVMED 6260/2A
What is the NAVMED 6260/2A used to label?
Smaller, individuals pieces of equipment or tools that produce hazardous noise
Where are hazardous noise labels normally placed?
Outside of doors/hatches leading into a hazardous s noise area
Where must personnel where double hearing pro?
In areas that exceed 104 db
When a medical officer or audiologist determine it is required
Who shall enter into the hcp?
Personnel who routinely are required to work in designated noise hazardous areas
What form is used for the reference audiogram?
DD form 2215
Can audiograms performed at MEPS be used as a DD for 2215?
How frequent must audiograms be completed on personal in the HCP?
DD form 2216 results should be uploaded into what central data system?
What does DOEHRS-HC stand for?
Deference Occupational Health Readiness System-hearing conservation
The MDR shall maintain what for scheduling annual audiograms of personnel in the HCP. How frequent must it be updated?
Tickler file
What is STS in hearing?
Significant threshold shift
What is considered a STS?
Average of 10db or more at the 2,3,&4000 Hz in one or both ears
total hearing level is 25db of more above the audio metric zero in the same ears( averaged at the 2,3,&4000 Hz)
What are nine potentially dangerous eye operations?
War fighting and operational training Cutting or welding Drilling Grinding Milling Chipping Sand blasting Dust or particles producing operations Pouring or ha dealing of molten metals or corrosive liquids or solids
In case of ballistic eye wear, what symbol must be on it?
Z87 or
Who will maintain a list of all areas and process that require eye pro and those areas that require eye wash or deluge shower facilities?
Safety officer
What is the eyewear prescription form?
DD form 771
What is the primary first aid for slashes or exposure to corrosive materials?
Eyewash or eye/face baths
What is the primary first aid for exposer to corrosive materials to the skin or body as well as the eyes?
Deluge station
Eyewash stations must be capable of flushing the eyes with potable water at a min flow of __gallons per min for __ continuous mins?
Eye wash stations must have a one motion stay on switch so that the operator can use both hands to open eyelids
It’s a note
How close do eye wash stations need to be to identified eye hazards?
100 feet or 10 sec travel
The eye wash station must be at a min __inches but no more than __inches above the deck and __ inches min from the nearest wall.
What temp must water used in a eye wash station be?