BUMEDINST 10110.6 nutrition standards and education. chapter 2 Flashcards
What does MDRI stand for?
Military dietary reference intakes
What is the instruction for nutrition standards and education?
What does NSOR stand for?
Nutritional standards for operational rations
MDRIs are intended for use by whom?
Personnel involved in menu development, evaluation, nutrition education, nutrition research, and food research and development
Do MDRIs reflect the nutritional needs of pregnant or breast feeding women?
Do MDRIs reflect the nutritional needs of individuals requiring medical nutrition?
They will need a different diet for some:
Illnesses, injuries, infections, chronic diseases, or trauma.
What does RDA stand for?
Recommended dietary allowance
Operational rations include:
Individual: MRE group: T-ration Unitized b ration Unitized group: UGR-A, UGR-H&S (heat and serve)
MREs may be consumed as the sole ration for up to how long to avoid degradation of performance or nutritional deficit?
21 days
What are examples of supplements that units must supply when MRE s are the sole ration?
Fresh fruit
What would be an example of a scenario where restricted rations would be used?
(Nutritionally incomplete)
- Long range patrol and recon
- when troops are required to subsist for short periods (up to 10 days) carrying minimal weight
Do NSOR apply to survival rations?
What are examples of survival rations?
Food packet, survival:
General purpose improved (GP-I)
Abandon ship ration
Aircraft/light raft ration
The GP-I Survival ration contains how many calories?
How many Calories do the abandon ship and the aircraft/light raft survival rations contain?
MDRIs for energy are calculated to represent the average needs of individuals with reference body weight of which percentile of men and women?
What hight and weight measurements are used to determine MDRI calculations for men and women?
174 lbs 69 in
136lbs 64in
How many calories per day would military personnel doing heavy work or involved with prolonged vigorous pt need?
Mildly cold temperatures, 32-57*F, can increase energy requirements by what percent?
When ambient temperatures warrant high levels of cold-weather protection, energy requirements may increase by how much per kg?
54 cal/kg
When ambient temperatures warrant high levels of cold-weather protection, and troops maneuver for long periods of time, >2hours, with heavy gear on their feet energy requirements may increase by how much per kg?
62 calories/kg
No adjustment to energy requirements appear to be necessary for environmental temps between ____.
68F- 86F
Will heat acclimated individuals likely need to increase their caloric intake?
Energy requirements for high altitude operations greater than____ feet are substantially increased.
10,000 ft
3050 meters
How many Calories per day are required for personnel performing extremely strenuous work in high mountain areas?
For moderate activity at high altitude how many cal/kg need to be consumed?
For prolonged activity at high altitude wearing full cold weather gear will require how many cal/kg be consumed?
Approximately what percent of total calories consumed should come from foods and beverages with carbohydrates sources?
MDRI for protein is easily met when protein intake consists of what percent of total energy?
How many grams per kg of body weight should personnel consume during intense physical activity?
In military dining facilities, menu planners with __% or less from fat.
Satiated fat intake should be limited to what percent?
Cholesterol intake should be limited to milligrams per day?
During periods of light to moderate activity in a temperate climate how much water per calories expended is a reasonable goal?
1 quart per 1,000 calories
Water intake for troops in hot weather is recommended at what amount per day?
4-6 quarts
Personnel wearing MOPP gear produce how many quarts of sweat per hour?
Working at high altitudes increases water intake to how many quarts per day?
To avoid hypo hydration and altitude sickness it’s recommended that what regiment of beverages with carbohydrates be used?
First few days:
2-3 quarts contain 50-100g carbohydrates/quart
After few days:
100-125g carbohydrate/quart
How should sodium replacement occur?
Provided through food, beverage, and added salts to food
When would reduced calorie menus be used?
For weight control programs
How many calories a day are taken in when using the reduced calorie menue?
Who establishes sanitary standards for food procurement, inspection on delivery, and fitness for human consumption?
Chief of BUMED
Who provides environmental health services intended to reduce the risk of food born disease outbreaks, including food service sanitation inspections and training?
Who provides specialized consultation, advise, and recommendations in matters of preventative medicine and environmental health?
Navy environmental and preventative medicine units and navy environmental health center
Who provides food sanitation/safety instructor training programs
Navy environmental and preventative medicine units and navy environmental health center
Who provides evaluation of food sanitation/safety programs?
Navy environmental and preventative medicine units and navy environmental health center
Who provides survey and recommendations concerning I sectors and vector programs?
Navy environmental and preventative medicine units and navy environmental health center
Who is responsible for planning, design, and construction of public works at all shore activities, including mess and support facilities? They also Establish inspection and maintenance standards.
Commander, naval facilities engineering command
Who is responsible for the design, construction and maintain s of messing facilities afloat?
Commander, naval sea systems command
Who administers the navy food service program?
Commander, naval supply system command
Who administers the food service program for the Marine Corps?
Commandant of the Marine Corps
Who is responsible for all aspects of military veterinary medicine, and food safety assurance mission?
Us army vet service
Who has ultimate responsibility for ensuring food and beverages served within their jurisdiction are safe and wholesome?
Commanding officers
Who is responsible for procurement, receipt, inspection, storage, and issue of food items?
Supply officer
All food service employees must receive a min of how many hours of initial food safety training?
How many hours of annual training are required for food service personnel?
4 house not to be consecutive
How many hours of initial training is required for temporary food service personnel, less than 30 days?
How many hours of food sanitation training is required for bartenders that do not prepare food?
Food safety training must be offered per what instruction?
Who are qualified food safety/sanitation instructors?
1) IDCs must requal every 3 years
2) PMTs
3) environmental health officers
How frequent must personnel who graduated from a supervisor food safety course re qualify??
Q 3 years
What 5 topics must the 4 hour employee food safety training course include?
1) personal hygiene/ health requirements.
2) using their meters and keeping temperature logs.
3) inspection of storage of food
4) cleaning and sanitizing
What form is the food safety training certificate?
NAVMED 4061/1
Who must maintain and who cannot hold the NAVMED 4061/1 s?
Person in charge
Individuals, unless transferring or dismissal
Who are food sanitation instructors? (3)
1) environmental health officers
3) other approved military and civilian personnel
How many hours long is the supervisor/manager food services sanitation/safety training course?
18 hours
What 10 topics are covered in the supervisor/manager food services sanitation/safety training course?
1) administrative/distribution of materials
2) microbiology and food borne illness
3) personal hygiene/health requirements
4) food prep and Serving
5) hazard analysis of critical control points
6) inspection and storage of food
7) ware washing
8) pest control in food service areas
9) cleaning and sanitizing food service equipment
10) instructor techniques.
How frequent are refresher supervisor/manager food services sanitation/safety training courses required?
Every three years
Who is responsible to ensure food establishment operations are not conducted in private home or room used for living or sleeping?
Person in charge
What are the 4 prohibited diseases for food workers?
1) salmonella typhi
2) shigella spp.
3) escherichia coli
4) hep a
What are two prohibited symptoms for food service personnel?
1) Acute gastrointestinal illness
Diarrhea, fever, vomiting, jaundice, soar throat with fever
2) A lesion containing pus such as a boil or infected wound that is open or draining
On hand or wrist must be covered with impermeable cover
Exposed portion of arms must be covered with sry durable dressing
How can someone who was restricted from working in food service areas be reinstated?
With a letter from a physician stating that they are clear to work
Food service personnel must clean their hands for at least how long?
20 seconds
Where should food service personnel avoid washing their hands?
Food prep sink
Service sink
Curbed cleaning facility/mop station
What is the only jewelry allowed on the hands or arms during food preparation?
Plain ring, wedding band
Are edible fish or decorative fish in aquariums, shellfish on ice or under refrigeration, and shellfish in display tanks authorized?
Inspection of fish:
How can you tell if fish are fresh?
Bright red gills
Prominent clear eyes
Girl elastic flesh
How can you tell if fish are stale ?
Dull in appearance
Cloudy and red bordered eyes
Soft flesh
Finger impressions are easily made and remain when pressure is released
Can fish caught over the side at sea be consumed?
Do not serve food from cans when:
- Abnormal Odor taste or appearance
- Abnormalities such as dented seams, bulging, swelling, or leaking
Insects are often transported concealed how?
Amongst bulk dry food
Pier side inspection is crucial
Where can milk from a larger opened container be used?
At child development centers
Individual single service disposable containers of what size or less will be used when fresh milk is served in flight, in transit, at field exercises, to patients in isolation, or to individuals under similar situations?
1 pint
Milk will not be offered for consumption after expiration date with our who’s approval?
Local Veterinary activity
Dairy products must be delivered at what temperature or less?
Shelled eggs must relieved at what temp then cooked and maintained at what temp?
PHF shall be received at what temp or below?
PHF that has been cooked must be maintained at what temp?
Pasteurized liquid, frozen, or dry eggs or egg products Shall be substituted for shell eggs in the preparation of what?
Foods such as: Caesar salad dressing, mayonnaise eggnog ice cream egg fortified beverages.
What is generally recommended for use as chemical wash solutions to clean fresh fruits and vegetables?
Hypochlorite 5%(unscented bleach)
Fresh fruits and vegetables may be chemically washed by immersion how?
A 50 ppm Free available chlorine solution for 1-2 mins
How can a 50ppm free available chlorine solution be made?
Adding 1.5 tablespoons of 5% sodium hypochlorite to 5 gallons of potable water
What are examples of characteristics that hazardous food items might have?
- widespread presence of swollen or leaking cans
- evidence of spoilage
- food items containing glass, dirt, or pieces of metal
- infested with insects
Containers of bulk storage of food will be stored how many inches above the floor and how many inches from the walls?
6 from the floor
Can wood pallets be used for food storage?
What is the most effective way to minimized food borne illnesses?
Proper temperature control
Are mercury thermometers allowed?
Where should thermometers be located in freezers or refrigerators?
Where the warmest air is located
Thermometers must be accurate to what range of accuracy?
+ or - 3*F
What is the temperature ranges for refrigeration and freezer?
Frost or glaze ice must not be allowed to accumulate how much in the thickness on the interior surfaces or on the refrigeration coils?
1/4 inch
Temperature logs must be maintained for all bulk food storage. Accurate entries must occure how frequently? Any prolonged deviation of ___from recommended temp must be reported to the PMA?
Twice daily
4 hours
How long must facilities maintain their temperature logs?
Ice cream being dispensed by scoop can be between what temperatures?
PHF that is cooked, cooled, and reheated for hot food holding or transporting shall be rapidly reheated with in how many hours so that all parts are at least what temp for at least 15 seconds?
With 2 hours
Ready to eat food from a hermetically sealed container shall be preheated to at least what temp?
Hot food holding containers shall be preheated to what temp prior to food being placed in them?
What qualifies food to be heavily infested with insects?
Seven or more living or dead insects
What should happen to lightly infested food?
Immediately removed
Placed in a freezer for 72 hours sifted to remove the insects and
Used as soon as possible
What happens to insects after 72 hours in the freezer?
Arrest the development of the infestation, not kill them