BUMEDINST 6230 imms Flashcards
What is the PHS 731?
International certificate of vaccination
What three places should you document any immunizations?
1) health record
2) PHS 731 yellow card
3) electronic data base that talks to Deer’s
Who is responsible for documenting immunizations data for active duty members into Deer’s?
Command that administered the immunization
What does snap stand for?
Ship board non tactile ADP program
Which electronic system will be used to record immunizations for reserves?
Which electronic system will be used to record immunizations for Marine reserves?
The use of jet injectors for routine immunizations is authorized. True or false
Only if specifically authorized by BUMED
In women of childbearing age is a screening test for pregnancy also routinely required before administering immunizations or toxoids including diverse as?
If a live virus vaccines is to be administered advise women to avoid becoming pregnant for how long prior to immunization against measles mumps smallpox varicella?
1 month
If A live virus vaccine is to be administered advise her to avoid becoming pregnant for how long phone immunizations against rubella or MMR?
3 months
For small pox, women of child bearing age require what?
Fill out a specific form that assess their last menstral cycle
What system is used to report adverse reaction to immunizations?
vaccine adverse event report system
When will enlisted personnel receive the adenovirus vaccine?
Initial training
When will military personnel receive the hepatitis A (HAV) vaccine?
Initial training
First dose: before summer assignment
Second dose: before second summer
When will military personnel receive the inactivated poiliovirus (IPV)?
Initial training
When will military personnel receive the MMR vaccine?
Initial training
Unless proof of all three
When will military personnel receive the tetanus-dept hernia toxoid?
Initial training
When will military personnel receive the varicella vaccine?
Initial training
Two doses
Unless hx of varicella or vaccine
When will military personnel receive the yellow fever vaccine?
Initial trading
Unless hx last 10 years
When will military personnel receive the Hep B vaccine?
Initial training
First two doses 4 weeks apart third five months after second dose
What nine vaccines are given during initial training?
1) hep a
2) hep b
3) adenovirus
4) polio
5) influenza
6) MMR
7) meningococcal
8) tetanus diphtheria
9) yellow fever
Which immunization must be administered as early as possible during initial training because of their significant outbreak potential?
(4) VAMM
Do reservist have to receive all the vaccines?
Medical department personnel must stay current with what 8 immunizations?
Tetanus diphtheria Polio Yellow fever MMR Influenza Typhoid Hep a Hep b
Which routine immunizations may be provided to adult beneficiaries?
Tetanus diphtheria and influenza
Pneumococcal for over 65
How many shots are in the anthrax series and what is the frequency?
0 week 2 week 4 week 6 months 12 months 18 months
Hep a vaccine should be given to family members what age or older?
Certain occupations should receive the hep a vaccine. What are they?
Day care workers
Health care worker
Food handlers
VAQTA (perfected because of DOD wide pricing)
What is the adult dose and frequency of hep a vaccine?
> 19
50 units/1.0 ml IM
Repeats 6-12 months
VAQTA (perfected because of DOD wide pricing)
What is the children’s, age 2-18, for hep a?
25 units/0.5ml IM
6-12 months
what is the adult, >19, for hep a?
1440EL.U/1.0ml IM
6-12 months
What is the child, 2-18, dose of hep a?
360EL.U/0.5ml IM
6-12 months
Who must receive hep b?
1) medical department personnel
2) personnel presenting for STDs
3) military and civilian personnel that could come in contact with blood or bodily fluids, includes hcw
4) all children
5) new military personnel
When do medical personnel receive their hep b?
A school or I doc training
What is the normal schedule for hep b?
Three IM
0,1,6 months
What is the adult dose, >20 for hep b?
10ug/1.0ml for recombivax
20ug/1.0ml for enerix-b
What is the peds dose for hep b?
5ug/1.0ml for recombivax
10ug/1.0ml for enerix-b
What is the dose and frequency of twinrex?
> 18
3IM at 0,1,6,12
What is the dose and route for polio, IPV?
0.5 sub q
How long will aviation personnel be grounded for after receiving influenza vaccine?
12 hours
What parts of the world is Japanese encephalitis endemic?
Far East
Ionian sub content
Southeast Asia
rural Okinawa
What is the normal dose, route and frequency for jev?
1.0 ml
Sub q
Day: 0,7,30
What is the accelerated frequency for jev?
Day: 0,7,14
The last dose of jev should be administered how soon before departing to a je endemic area? Why?
10 days
Possible allergic reaction
When Would someone need a jev booster?
> 3 years
Aviation personnel must be grounded for how long after each dose of jev?
24 hours Unless previously experienced urticaria or hypersensitivity: 72 hours first dose 5 days second dose 72 hours third dose
What is the dose and route for MMR?
0.5ml SC
What precautions should be taken for women in regards to MMR?
Can’t be pregnant
Don’t get pregnant for 4 months
What is the abbreviation for the tuberculosis skin test?
How long after reconstitution of MMR can you give the vaccine with out having to dispose of it?
8 hours if kept in a dark place between 35-46*F
Where is the meningitis belt?
Sub Sahara. Africa
What is the dose, route, and frequency for meningococcal vaccine?
5 years after last dose
How long is the shelf like for meningococcal vaccine after reconstitution?
Single dose: 24 hours
Multi-dose: if kept at 35-46*F 10 days
Who should pneumococcal vaccine be administered to?
1) adults >65
2) adults who live in certain environments, recruit populations
3) immunocompramised adults in risk areas
4) children >2 with long term illness at high risk
What is the dosage, route, and frequency for TD?
Who needs typhoid vaccines?
Personnel in deployable units or units located outside the is
What is the dosage and frequency for oral typhoid?
One capsule
Day 1 3 5 7
Good for 5 years
What is the dose route and frequency for IM typhoid?
What is the dosage route and frequency of varicella?
Children 12mo-13 years: 0.5ml SC >13 years old: 0.5 ml SC Followed by a second dose 4-8 weeks latter
What vaccine can you not give at the same time as varicella?
Must be spaced out 4 weeks apart
What is the dosage and frequency for yellow fever?
0.5 ml
Q10 years
What form is used for adult immunization record?
NAVMED 6230/4
Which form is used for child immunization record?
NAVMED 6230/5
What form is used for international certificate of immunization?
pHS 731
2766, PHS 731, and sf601 Are what type of immunization report?
Official document
Recommended immunizations schedules will not be what?
Imms given at an interval shorter than the recommended interval may not provide adequate immune response and should not be counted as the primary series, unless part of what schedule accepted by the CDC?
Catch up
How many people need to be ACLS to give imms?
When did the DOD stop using MUNJIs?
To minimize injection site discomfort, how many injections will be given same day?
Permanent exemption for religious reasons will not be granted in what branch?
Air Force
The ACIP general recommends that persons be observed for how many mins after immunization?
15-20 mins
JEV must be given if person is going to be in an endemic area for how long?
30 days