BMR ch 2 military conduct and justice Flashcards
what word comes from a Latin word meaning “to Teach”?
Because of the conduct of a few Americans during the Korean conflict, who prescribed a code of conduct for the members of the armed forces? When?
President Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1955
The word Discipline comes from what Latin word?
to teach
Based on the Navy’s concept, punishment is not personal, _______, or ____.
vindictive or inflicted as revenge for misconduct
Punishment should neither be of such a nature that it ___, nor should it be so severe that it is ____.
lowers self esteem
out of proportion to the offense
What do the first two digits of an article number indicate?
the chapter of Navy Regs from which the article is taken.
In accordance with Article 137 of the UCMJ articles shall be carefully explained to each enlisted on what three occasions?
at the time of entrance on active duty or within six days there after.
again after completing of six months active duty
again upon the occasion of each reenlistment
what is article 137 of the UCMJ?
articles shall be carefully explained to each enlisted on what three of the below occasions:
at the time of entrance on active duty or within six days there after.
again after completing of six months active duty
again upon the occasion of each reenlistment
What is article 0917 of the UCMJ?
Dealing with foreigners
when in foreign ports, officers and enlisted personnel should respect local laws, customs, ceremonies, and regulations; display courtesy and moderation; and cultivate a feeling of good will and mutual respect
What is article 1023 of the UCMJ?
abuse of authority
persons in authority are forbidden to injure their subordinates by tyrannical or capricious conduct, or by abusive language
what is article 1037 of the UCMJ?
authority of Warrant Officers, NCOs, and Petty Officers
What is article 1038 of the UCMJ?
authority of a sentry
a sentry within the limits stated in his or her orders, has authority over all persons on his or her post
What is article 1064 of the UCMJ?
Detail of enlisted persons for certain duties
Petty officers will not be detailed to perform mess duties, except when nonrated persons are unavailibe
What is article 1102 of the UCMJ?
limitations on certain punishments
- restrains shall not be applied as punishment. other restrains may not be used except for safe custody and no longer than is strictly necessary
- the punishments of extra duties and hard labor without confinement are not performed on sunday, although Sunday counts in the computation of the period for which such punishments are imposed.
- guard duty shall not be inflicted as punishment.
What is article 1104 of the UCMJ?
treatment and release of prisoners
persons in confinement must not be subjected to cruel or unusual treatment. they must be visited at least once every 4 hours to check on their condition and to care for their needs.
What is article 1111 of the UCMJ?
pecuniary dealing with enlisted persons
no officer should have any dealings involving money with enlisted persons except as may be required in the performance of the officer’s duties or as involved with the sale of personal property.
What is article 1112 of the UCMJ?
Lending money and engaging in a trade or business
naval personnel must not lend money to another member of the armed services at an interest rate, for the period of the loan, that exceeds 18% simple interest per year.
Personnel may not act as a salesperson or an agent or engage in a business on board without permission of the commanding officer.
What is article 1113 of the UCMJ?
endorsement of commercial product or process
What is article 1132 of the UCMJ?
compliance with lawful orders
What is article 1133 of the UCMJ?
language reflecting on a superior
no person in the naval service shall use language that may tend to diminish the confidence in or resect due to his or her superior officer.
What is article 1134 of the UCMJ?
Exchange of duty
an assigned duty may not be changed with another person (such as trading watches) without permission from proper authority.
What is article 1144 of the UCMJ?
personnel must take the immunizations prescribed for them as scheduled
What is article 1154 of the UCMJ?
communication to the congress
Personnel may not in their official capacity apply to congress for congressional action of any kind or provide information requested by congress.
the only exception to this regulation is such communication as authorized by the secretary of the navy or as provided by law
What is article 1165 of the UCMJ?
fraternization prohibited
What is article 1166 of the UCMJ?
sexual harassment
What is article 1167 of the UCMJ?
supremacist activities
what does SORN stand for?
Standard organization and regulation of the US Navy
what is the instruction number for the SORN?
which chapter of the SORN deals with regulations?
chapter 5
What is article 510.21 of the SORN?
government property
no person shall:
-conceal or fail to report to proper authority the loss, removal, destruction or damage of government property entrusted to their care or custody.
-remove without authority
-have in their possession any article of government property except as may be necessary for the performance of their duty
What is article 510.27 of the SORN?
intoxicated persons
the OOD or the CDO shall ensure that the medical officer or a qualified rep shall promptly examine all persons who return on board in an intoxicated condition or found on board intoxicated
What is article 510.35 of the SORN?
working stock of narcotics
what is article 2 of the UCMJ?
persons subject to the code
what is article 3 of the UCMJ?
jurisdiction to try certain persons even though they have been separated from the service
what is article 7-14 of the UCMJ?
apprehension and restraint
what is article 15 of the UCMJ?
NJP or captain’s mast
what is article 25 of the UCMJ?
membership of courts martial
what is article 27 of the UCMJ?
detail of trail and defense counsel
what is article 31 of the UCMJ?
compulsory self incrimination prohibited
what is article 37 of the UCMJ?
unlawful influence on the court
what is article 38 of the UCMJ?
duties of counsel
what is article 55 of the UCMJ?
certain cruel and unusual punishments prohibited
what is article 77-134 of the UCMJ?
punitive articles
what is article 137 of the UCMJ?
articles that must be explained
what is article 138 of the UCMJ?
complaints of wrongs
what is article 139 of the UCMJ?
payment for injury or loss of property
what is article 94 of the UCMJ?
mutiny or sedition
what is article 95 of the UCMJ?
resistance, breach, of arrest, and escape
what is article 118 of the UCMJ?
what is article 122 of the UCMJ?
what is article 124 of the UCMJ?
what is article 92 of the UCMJ?
failure to obey order or regulation
what is article 116 of the UCMJ?
riot or breach of peace
what is article 134 of the UCMJ?
general article
what is article 119of the UCMJ?
what is article 121 of the UCMJ?
larceny and wrongful appropriation
what is article 128 of the UCMJ?
what is article 81 of the UCMJ?
what is article 82 of the UCMJ?
what is article 85 of the UCMJ?
what is article 86 of the UCMJ?
absence without leave (AWOL)
what is article 87 of the UCMJ?
mission movement
what is article 88 of the UCMJ?
contempt toward officials
what is article 111 of the UCMJ?
drunken or reckless driving
what is article 112 of the UCMJ?
drunk on duty
what is article 112a of the UCMJ?
wrongful use, possession, etc., of controlled substances
what is article 114 of the UCMJ?
what is article 115 of the UCMJ?
what is article 117 of the UCMJ?
provoking speeches or gestures
what is article 120 of the UCMJ?
rape and carnal knowledge
what is article 131 of the UCMJ?
Confinement on bread and water or diminished rations may be imposed only on enlisted persons what rank and below aboard ship?
extra duty is assignment of any duty to be performed after the person’s regular working hours. extra duty is not to exceed __ hours daily or to be performed on holidays.
2 hours
the appeal must be made within what reasonable time and promptly forwarded when unjust or out of proportion to the offense is ordered?
5 days