BUMEDINST 6220.12b medical surveillance Flashcards
Who will ensure subordinate MTFs maintain an effective command medical surveillance program?
Navy medicine regional commanders
What is the medical surveillance and notify able event reporting instruction number?
BUMEDINST 6220.12b
What does AHLTA stand for?
Armed forces health longitudinal technology application
Who do providers report medical events to?
Chain of command prev med
Who will provide regional technical oversight of reportable medical event surveillance and outbreak response and coordination?
Navy environmental protection and preventative medicine units
What do Navy environmental protection and preventative medicine units do?
Provide oversight
Monitor MERS and other systems
What does MER stand for?
Who are MER submissions required for?
All beneficiary Active duty Civilian mariners Family members Returnees Reservist on ad
When must inpatient or outpatient medical departments submit MERs?
A tri service reportable condition is suspected or confirmed
Notified of a significant communicable disease outbreak among military or civilian that may impact military personnel
What does NDRSi stand for?
Navy disease reporting system Internet
What is the preferred method for submitting MERS?
For commands that do not have adequate Internet assess,
Most reportable events are routine and should be submitted within how many days?
How soon must urgent reports be submitted?
Within 24 hours
What are urgent reportable medical events?
Amebiasis. Plague Anthrax. q fever Biological warfare exposure Botulism. Rabies, in human Cholera. Small pox Dengue fever. Tuberculosis E.coli. Typhoid fever Encephalitis. Typhus fever Yellow fever. Any other outbreaks Hantavirus Hemorrhagic shock Legionellious Malaria Measles Meningococcal Pertussis