O1 teaching (consultant) Flashcards
What are some causes of small babies?
- normal, constitutionally small due to genetics and ethnicity
- Non-placenta mediated growth restriction
- Structural or chromosomal problem, fetal infection, inborn errors of metabolism - Placenta-mediated growth restriction
- PET, hypertension, autoimmune disease, renal disease, diabetes, thrombophilia’s
- Causes unsymmetrical IUGR
What is a fetal doppler done for?
Assesses fetal circulation and resistance in vessels
Look at umbilical artery doppler, middle cerebral artery doppler, and ductus venous doppler
What is meant by meconium stained liquor?
Vagal stimulation causing gut contraction & anal sphincter relaxation which may be associated with hypoxia
- Causes yellow/green fluid
Can cause meconium aspiration syndrome (MAS): defined as respiratory distress in newborn infants born through meconium-stained amniotic fluid
If CTG is abnormal, consider expediting delivery
What is the difference between dizygotic and monozygotic pregnancy?
Dizygotic – ovulation and fertilization of two oocytes
Monozygotic - ovulation and fertilization of a single oocyte, with subsequent division of the zygot
What is a chignon in obstetrics?
A temporary swelling left on an infant’s head after delivery by a ventouse suction cap