Chronic limb and back problems Flashcards
What is spasticity?
Stiff/rigid muscles
What are brisk reflexes?
More active reflexes than usual
What is clonus?
Muscular spasm involving repeated, often rhythmic, contractions
What are some differentials for a tremor?
- Essential tremor
- Dystonic
- Parkinson’s Disease (unilateral and at rest)
- Neuropathic tremor (in presence of neuropathy)
- Medication side-effect (eg, valproate, beta-blockers, salbutamol, lithium)
- Endocrinopathy (Eg, thyrotoxicosis)
- Cerebellar
What are some different types of tremor?
- Cerebellar: Action + Intention component + other “DANISH”
- Wilson’s: Consider if <40y.o., proximal “wing-beating” tremor, asscoiated PDism/dystonia
- Physiologic: High freq., low amplitude, worsened by stress/caffeine/poor sleep, improved by relaxation
- Psychogenic: Explosive onset +/-trigger, unusual features, entrainment, distractible, history of functional disorders
- Holmes: Irregular, mixture of rest, posture and action tremor, proximal, lesion thalamus to midbrain
What can asking the patient to draw a spiral reveal about their tremor?
It can help diagnose:
Parkinson’s: spiral will be tight and small
Essential tremor: wobbly lines
Functional: all over the place
What are some differentials for progressive bilateral leg sensory disturbance with back pain?
Neuropathy / plexopathy
Intrinsic “intramedullary” cord lesion
Extrinsic “extramedullary” cord lesion
Parasagittal brain lesion
(cord compression)
What is quadrantanopia?
Loss of vision in 1/4 of the visual field
What is the presentation of optic neuritis?
Occurs when selling damages the optic nerve
Acute, unilateral, painful, vision loss
Often because of MS, especially if there appear to be relapses
What is Brown-Sequard syndrome?
When a lesion in the spinal cord causes weakness or paralysis on one side of the body and a loss of sensation on the opposite side
What is the typical history for a neuropathy?
Sensory > Motor
Slowly progressive
What does stocking-glove presentation mean?
That neuropathies begin in the most distal areas (either the feet or hands)