Nutrition and Metabolism -27 Flashcards
list the 6 types of nutrients
- Carbohydrates,
- lipids,
- protein,
- water,
- minerals,
- vitamins
How many calories per gram for proteins or carbohydrates
How many calories per gram for proteins for lipids
What are some of the essential lipid soluble vitamins
A, D, E & K
Essential minerals needed in our diet
Ca, P, K, Cl, Fl, Mg, Fe, Cr, I, Mn, Co, Cu, Zn, Se
synthesis of more complex chemicals
breakdown with energy release
During glycolysis, is oxygen required?
no, not in the cytoplasm
Overall, in the catabolism, how many ATP are made from one glucose molecule
Within the mitochondria, is oxygen required to catabolize glucose?
the catabolism of triglycerides to make energy
the anabolism of fats
list the process of protein catabolism
- deamination in liver to remove NH2 -> NH3
- Liver converts toxic NH3 -> urea -> urine
- rest of amino acid -> krebs cycle -> ATP
Essential amino acids
can NOT be made in the body and must come from the diet
1 calorie
the energy needed to raise 1 g of water 1 degree
Basal metabolic rate
heat produced from catabolism when resting and fasting
What can affect the metabolic rate
- Exercise can increase rate 15-20 times
- Hormones - thyroid
- Nervous system - ANS
- Body temp Ingestion of food - increase 10-20%
- Age Gender, pregnancy, climate, sleep, malnutrition
What are the 4 different forms of heat loss in the body
- Radiation
- Conduction
- Convection
- Evaporation
Many coenzymes are derived from vitamins.
Examples include coenzyme _______, derived from ________, and the coenzyme ______, derived from ________
NAD+, niacin
FAD, vitamin B2, riboflavin