NP: Chapter 2 Assessment Flashcards
diagnostic cycle 4 stages
1.complaint analysis
2. problem analysis
3. diagnosis
4. indication for treatment
at each stage, a hypothesis is formulated which is tested!!!
the entire diagnostic cycle is not always completed (bv bij ryan: geen treatment)
referral question and definition of the problem
a neuropsychological assessment always starts with a well-defined referral question
eg. are the cognitive disorders in line with korsakoff syndrome
wat krijg je door interview met patient
info about current complaints and symptoms and their progression.
both standard questions and spontaneous follow-up questions. also building a relationship with the patient!
interview with informant
when patients cannot provide enough info. however, this does not give subjective information -> therefore may not be representable
fixed test battery
predetermined set of tests that is the same for every patient, regardless of their complaint or the reason for their referral
interpretation =
combination of all the info attained during the steps above (interview, tests, observation, referral question etc)
dus de stappen
referral question and definition of problem
interview (patient or informant)
tests and questionnaires
the accuracy of an instrument, are the test results the same if different people or at different times?
degree of correspondance between results of different researchers =
interrater reliability
validity =
applicability of a test, does it measure what it is supposed to measure?
ecological validity
how accurately a test predicts daily functioning in their own environment
face validity
does the test measure what it is supposed to measure?
content validity
is the test representative of the domain of interest
construct validity
does the test include all aspects of the domain of interest?
is the test representative of the theory it is based on?
for concepts that are not directly measurable!
criterion validity
can the test predict the performance of a patient with regard to an actual criterion?
- predictive validity -> predict another score
- concurrent validity -> correspondence with another tool that aims to measure the same criterion
performance is impaired compared with wat they would be able to achieve if they would make a normal effort.
hard to tell: people can underperform due to pain or nervousness, or exaggerating to gain something.
when the results are not an accurate reflection of his or her actual level of cognitive abilities!
hospital function np
- neuropsychological diagnosis
- treatment: short term and complaint oriented (vaak psychoeducation!)
- collaboration between specialties: neuro, rehabilitation, neurosurgery, internal medicine., complaints
emphasis: diagnosis
rehabilitation centres
emphasis: treatment. neurological assessment is an essential part tho!
focus not only on cognitive disorders, also coping issues and anxiety/depression after injury
metnal health care
work closely with team of specialists in different fields.
neuropsychologist: handig want kijkt naar behaviour via neuropsychiatric (biological) perspective
residential/nursing/support homes
focus on assessment and support
forensic institutions
field that has expanded, due to scientific evidence for a neurobiological basis for criminal behaviour