CP: Lecture 6 Dissociative disorders & somatic symptom related disorders Flashcards
history of dissociative disorders
1900 BC – Egyptians: Hysteria - ‘Wandering Womb’
Middle ages: satanic possession
Paul Briquet (1796 –1881): somatisation
Jean-Martin Charcot (1825 – 1893): hypnosis
Pierre Janet (1859 – 1947): dissociation
Sigmund Freud (1856 – 1939): repressed memories
meest voorkomende somatic symptom
chest pain
somatic symptom disorders main criteria=
excessive concerns about physical concerns or health
illness anxiety =
unwarranted fears about a serious illness in the absence of any significant symptoms
conversion disorder =functional neurological disorder =
neurological symptoms that cannot be explained by medical disease or culturally sanctioned behavior
intentionally faking psychological or somatic symptoms to gain something
factitious disorder
falsification of psychological or somatic symptoms without evidence of gains from those symptoms
vroeger Munchausen syndrome by proxy (Gyspy Rose)
ocd cycle
obsession -> anxiety -> compulsion -> relief
In DSM-IV-TR: physical symptoms have no
known physical cause
◦ Nearly impossible to know actual cause
In DSM 5: focus on positive symptoms:
◦ Somatic symptoms; medically explained or
◦ Psychological and behavioural factors
somatic symptom disorder criteria in detail
at least one somatic symptom that is distressing
excessive thought, feeling, behaviours related to concerns via at least 1 of these:
health-related anxiety
disproportionate concerns about the medical seriousness of symptoms
excessive time and energy devoted to concerns
hoelang moet somatic symptom disorder
at least 6 months
specify if … bij somatic symptom disorder
predominant pain
persistent (langer dan 6 maanden)
illness anxiety disorder criteria in detail
- Preoccupation with and high level of anxiety about having or acquiring a serious disease
- Excessive behaviors (e.g., checking for signs of illness, seeking reassurance)
or maladaptive avoidance (e.g., avoiding medical care)
- But: no more than mild somatic symptoms are present
hoelang moet illness anxiety minimaal
6 maanden
functional neurological symptom disorder basic
one or more symptoms:
sensory or motor function impaired but no known neurological cause. (vision, seizures, paralysis, aphonia, anosmia)
factitious disorder=
fabrication or induction of physical or psychological symptoms/injury/disease.
deceptive behaviour without external rewards
imposed on self or imposed on others
somatic symptom disorder model
pathogenesis -> symptoms <-> consequences/coping (focus on pain, attribute pain to disease)
= reinforcement of sickness behaviour
somatic symptom disorder model: mechanisms
medical symptoms + psychiatric disorder/stress/trauma
leiden tot
physiological disturbance + emotional arousal
attention to body
symptoms are attributed to serious illness
health anxiety (gaat terug naar emotional arousal)
leidt tot
help seeking & communication of distress of avoidance & disability
social response (gaat terug naar avoidance + emotional arousal)