CP: Lecture 5 OCD Flashcards
obsessive-compulsive and related disorders
- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
- Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD)
- Hoarding Disorder
- Trichotillomania
- Excoriation Disorder (skin picking)
obsessions =
recurrent and persistent intrusive and unwanted thoughts/urges/images
attempts to ignore, suppres or neutralize
repetitive behaviours or mental acts in response to obsessions or to rigid rules
wat is het doel van compulsions
reduce anxiety/distress, or prevent a situation. however: not connected in a realistic way or clearly excessive
wat nodig voor ocd?
- obsessions and/or compulsions
- time consuming (Meer dan 1 uur per dag!) en distress/impairment
voorbeelden obsessions
aggressive, sexual, religious
compulsions voorbeelden
protective rituals
wat lieten rachman and de silva zien
Intrusions of people with OCD not identifiable
even by experienced psychologists. want:
6 experienced psychologists:
◦ 23 intrusions reported by patients
Average: 13 positive ( judged ‘abnormal’)
◦ 58 intrusions reported by controls
Average 10 false positive (‘abnormal’)
dus meeste mensen hebben intrusions from time to time
maar wat is dan abnormal in de ocd groep?
frequency: more often
more intense
last longer
more distress
stronger urge to neutralize
if having intrusions is normal, why do obsessions and compulsions arise?
general model of psychopathology!
3 general reasoning errors in ocd (cognitive attributions?)
- emotional reasoning: im afraid so there is danger
- magical thinking: if i step on these cracks, someone will die
- dichotomous thinking
dichotomous thinking
omission = niks doen
comission = iets doen
most people: ommission < commission. dus iets doen weegt zwaarder dan niks doen. maar bij ocd is dit vaak hetzelfde! dus denken aan iets slechts betekent bij hun meer, dat je het ook echt doet.
thought action fusion =
TAF-likelihood: thinking about something makes it happen more
TAF-moral: thinking about something is the same as doing it.
cognitive theory of ocd van salkovskis
intrusions = ego-dystonic -> in conflict met wat ego wil
automatic thoughts = ego-syntonic -> agree met wat ego wil
dit leidt tot:
behaviour: suppress, neutralize, compulsions
thought suppression in ocd
white bear effect -> juist aan denken als je het suppressed. daardoor blijft het terugkomen (juist omdat die mensen het willen repressen)