NP: Chapter 1 History of neuropsychology Flashcards
hippocrates zei
400 BC
all abnormal behaviours & emotions stemmed from the workings of the brain
The ancient Greek believed that each of the 4 humors was a result of an excess of one of the 4 bodily fluids. For them, the excess amount of fluids determined a person’s character. The 4 humors included choleric (yellow bile), melancholic (black bile), sanguine (blood) and phlegmatic (phlegm).
balance between fluids = health
Soul is an independent entity that is located in the pineal gland
i think therefore i am
franz joseph gall
many mental organs located in the gray matter/cortex of the brain -> prenology
cell theory
cavities in the brain (ventricles, toen cells) were the site of the mind, divided.
1. receive info from senses
2. interpret the image
3. stored the image (memory)
ancient greeks: 3 forms of a soul
- survival via food intake
- activities or an organism in relation to the environment
- distinguishing between good and bad (psychikon hegemonikon= guiding principle)
only humans had these 3 forms.
descartes nog een keer overzichtje
mind and body are distinct.
mind = thinking, body = extension, non-thinking
gall nog een keer overzicht
all mental/psychological functions are innate
all functions are localized in a part of the brain = phrenology
cortex plays a crucial role
slecht voor de church
jean martin charcot
linked clinical signs to anatomical lesions
jean martin charcot steps
- documentation of clinical signs
- wait till mortem, autopsy
- link
holism =
trying to understand the human mind and behaviour as a whole. people are more than simply the sum of their parts
trying to break down things into their smaller parts, reduce
the first person to focus on rehabilitation of patients with cognitive disorders.
balance between holism and localization
effect of brain injury on intelligence
made the halstead-reitan iq test battery
1960 two developments that lead to neuropsych. as a separate discipline
- geschwind; encouraged ppl to work on the basis of wernickes framework (for charting the functioning of the brain) -> double dissociations
- roger sperry: split brain surgery lead to the knowledge of specialized functions of each hemisphere
believed that language ability is innate, we have no awareness about them and no control.
module van fodor =
functionally specialized cognitive systems that have multiple features but not necessarily all at the same time.
Modularity of mind is the notion that a mind may, at least in part, be composed of innate neural structures or mental modules which have distinct, established, and evolutionarily developed functions.
denkt dus dat iig een deel van het brein door innate neural structures composed is
4 characteristics van modules
- only process certain information = domain specific
- innate
- carries out its work regardless of what other processes are occuring
- computationally autonomous and has its own neural architecture
independent autonomous innate domain specific
mind is seperate from, and independent of, the body and the senses
the brain is the seat of the thought
survivors of the pest:
“For the disorder which had
originally settled in the head
passed gradually through the
whole body, …. Some again had
no sooner recovered than they
were seized with a forgetfulness
of all things and knew neither
themselves nor their friends.
galen did…
wrote the standard textbook on medicine, influenced by the theory of humorism.
4 humours should be balenced, too much leads to:
* red blood: friendly with a rosey tinted appearance.
* yellow bile: bitter, short tempered, and with yellow skin.
* black bile: lazy, fearful and sickly with black hair and
black eyes.
* phlegm: low spirited, forgetful, and with white hair.
wat zei galen later
mental functions are carried out by the gray and white matter of the brain (door animal dissections)
waarom lastig om vroeger brain-behaviour relationships te onderzoeken
omdat het verboden was om op mensen te experimenteren
not the brain itself, but the ventricles are the seat of intellect
3th for cognition
4th for memory
founder of brain anatomy
descartes globaal
The mind is undivided,
independent and
immaterial; located in
the pineal gland in te
descartes namen body and mind
body = res extensa (reflective)
mind = res cogitans (operates seperately but controls the body)
protuding eyes = languages
protuberance behind ears = aggression
door gall, observing/feeling the skull to determine an individuals psychological attributes