Nervous System Flashcards
Neuron Type: Sensory
Distribution: Neurosensory cells of nasal epithelium.
Cranial Nerve (CN) I
Neuron Type: Sensory
Distribution: Sensory fibers of the retina
Cranial Nerve (CN) II
Neuron Type: Sensory/Motor
Distribution: Innervates dorsal rectus, ventral rectus, medial rectus, and ventral oblique muscles.
Innervates retractor bulbi, levator palpebrae superioris, and intrinsic ciliary muscles.
Cranial Nerve (CN) III
Neuron Type: Sensory/Motor
Distribution: Innervates dorsal oblique muscle.
Cranial Nerve (CN) IV
Neuron Type: Sensory/Motor
Distribution: This nerve consists of three branches, all associated with the facial and jaw regions. Ophthalmic branch: innervates the skin in region of eye and nose, upper eyelid, eyeball, and lacrimal glands. Maxillary branch: innervates the palate, upper lip, upper teeth, vibrissae, skin of upper jaw, and vicinity. Mandibular branch: innervates the lower lip, lower teeth, pinna, skin of lower jaw and cheek; muscles; muscles of mastication - masseter, temporal, and pterygoid.
Cranial Nerve (CN) V
Neuron Type: Sensory/Motor
Distribution: Innervates the lateral rectus.
Cranial Nerve (CN) VI
Neuron Type: Sensory/Motor
Distribution: Innervates facial and digastric muscles; sensory innervation of the tastebuds of anterior two-thirds of tongue; mandibular, sublingual, and lacrimal glands.
Cranial Nerve (CN) VII
Vestibulocochlear (Acoustic)
Neuron Type: Sensory
Distribution: Two branches: Vestibular branch innervates organs of equilibrium, saccule, utricle, and semicircular canals. Cochlear branch innervates the acoustic organs, organs of Corti, in cochlea.
Cranial Nerve (CN) VIII
Neuron Type: Sensory/Motor
Distribution: Innervates pharyngeal muscles; sensory innervation of pharynx and tastebuds of posterior one-third of tongue; parotid gland.
Cranial Nerve (CN) IX
Neuron Type: Sensory/Motor
Distribution: Innervates pharynx, larynx, esophagus, lungs, heart, abdominal viscera.
Cranial Nerve (CN) X
Spinal Accessory
Neuron Type: Sensory/Motor
Distribution: Innervates the cleidomastoid, sternomastoid, trapezius muscles.
Cranial Nerve (CN) XI
Neuron Type: Sensory/Motor
Distribution: Innervates the styloglossus, hyoglossus, genioglossus, and intrinsic muscles of the tongue.
Cranial Nerve (CN) XII