Nervous And Special System Infections 2 Flashcards
Describe the biology & virulence of heamophilus influenzae type B
Describe the epidemiology & prevention of Haemophilus influenzae Type B
Describe the biology & virulence Staph aureus
Discuss epidemiology & prevention of Staph Aureus
What are the common causes of acute bacterial meningitis?
What is aseptic meningitis/encephalitis?
What is encephalitis?
What are the diagnostic criteria for encephalitis?
Describe the imaging clues of encephalitis
Describe the epidemiology of viral meningoencephalitis
Describe the route of entry of viral meningoencephalitis
Describe the biology & virulence of aseptic viral meningitis
Describe the epidemiology & transmission of aseptic viral meningitis-enteroviruses
What are the route of entry of enterociruses?
What is acute viral myelitis?
Describe the clinical presentation of poliomyelitis
What does poliomyelitis presentation look like?
How can we prevent poliomyelitis?
Describe the biology & virulence of mumps virus
Describe the epidemiology and prevention of mumps virus
What are the main symptoms of mumps?
Describe the biology and virulence of herpesveridae
Describe the epidemiology & transmission of herpesvirudae
Describe herpes simplex encephalitis
Describe the symptoms of herpes simplex encephalitis
Describe the biology & virulence of rabies
Describe the epidemiology & transmission of rabies
Describe the clinical symptoms of viral meningoencephalitis: rabies
Describe the diagnosis of viral meningoencephalitis: rabies
Describe the treatment & prevention of viral meningoencephalitis
What are Arthropod-borne RNA viruses?
Describe the transmission and epidemiology of Viral Meningoencephalitis: Arbovirus
What are the classifications of arboviruses?
What are the reservoir and vector of the West Nile Virus?
Where did the West Nile virus originate ?
Describe the tropism of West Nile virus
What is Lymphocytic Choriomenungitis Virus?
How can CSF findings indicate whether the infection is viral or bacterial?
Describe fungal aseptic meningitis/meningoencephalitis
Describe the biology & virulence of cryotococcus neoformans
Describe the epidemiology & Transmission of cryptococcus neoformans
What does cryptococcus neoformans look like?
Describe the initial evaluation of cryptococcus neoformans
Describe the biology & virulence of candida spp.
Describe the epidemiology & transmission of candida spp.
Describe candida spp.
Describe CSF findings of candida spp.