Multisystem Infections 2 Flashcards
What are the tick borne infections?
What ticks carry rickettsia rickettsii?
Discuss the DNA & diagnostics of Rickettsia ricketsii
Discuss the endemic of Rickettsia ricketsii
What’s the most abundant tick that Carries Rickettsia ricketsii in America?
Brown dog tick- all over,
American dog tick- west and mid
Rocky Mountain wood tick - a lot of the west
Discuss the pathogenesis of Rickettsia ricketsii
Summarize the general clinical features of RMSF
What does Rickettsia do to blood vessels?
What are the early and late features of Rickettsia?
Discuss the complications what are the further complications of Rickettsia
What are the diagnoses of Rickettsia ?
What’s Epidemic Typhus?
Describe the epidemiology of Rickettsia prowazekii
Describe the prevention of epidemic typhus
What the main complications of R.prowazekii?
What are the ticks involved in Lyme disease?
Describe the lab findings of Lyme disease/ Borrelia burgdorferi