Muscles Of The Hand Flashcards
What is the innervation of the thenar muscles?
The median nerve
What are the three thenar muscles?
The opponens pollicus, the abductor pollicus brevis, and the flexor pollicus brevis
What is the action of the opponens pollicus?
Opposes the tumb by medially rotating and flexing the metacaprophalengea joint
What is the orgin and insertion of the adbcutor pollicus brevis?
Orignates from the tubercules of the scaphoid and trapezium, and from the associated flexor retinaculum.
What is the origin, and the insertion of the flexor retinaculu?
Originates from the tubercle of the trapezium, and the associated flexor retinaculum.
What are the names of the hypothenar muscles?
The opponens digiti minimi, the abudctor digiti minimi, the felxor digiti minimi brevis.
Oppoenes digit minimi- whats it’s origin and insertion?
Originates from the hook of hamate and associated felexor retinalculum, inserts into the medial margin of the wrist.
What is the orign and insertion of the abductor digiti minimi?
Originates from the pisiform, and tendon of the flexor Capri ulnaris, an attaches to the base of the proximal pahlynx
Where do the lumbricals orginate from?
Eahc lumrical inserts from a tendon of the flexro digiturm profundus, and they insert into the extesnor hood.
What do the lumbricals do?
Flex at the MCP joint and extendon at the IP joints of each finger
What is the innervation of the lumbricals?
Medial two lumbricals are innervated by the ulnar nerve, and the lateral two lumbricals are innervated by the median nerve
Where do the dorsal interossei originate and insert?
Each interossei originates from the lateral medial surfaces of the metacarpals, and attach to the extensor hood of the proximal phaylnx of each finger
What do the dorsal interossei Do?
Abduct the fingers at the MCP joint
Where do the plamar interossei orignate and insert?
Each orientates from a medial or lateral surface of a metcarpal and attaches to an extesnor hood and the proximal phaynx of each finger.
What do the palmar interossei do?
It adducts the fingers at teh MCP joint
What are the two other muscles found in the palm.
The palmaris brevis and the adductor pollicus