module 21 MS part 1 Flashcards
4 parts to the MS exam
posture and spine joints gait positioning symmetry gross deformity or misalignment hypertrophy or atrophy unusual movement discoloration swelling
tenderness inflammation edema crepitus tone joint mobility: passive or active
passive palpation
provider is manipulating the joint
- how the joint feels
active palpation
provider palpating the joint while the pt moves it through its ROM
- looking for crepitus, popping, tracking issues
flexion extension and hyperextension rotation adduction abduction pronation supination eversion inversion
Active ROM
activating contractile elements of limb or joint
- muscles, tendons, nerves
stressing non-contractile components
- bones, ligaments, menisci
Determining which component is affected or limiting ROM not immediately possible.
passive ROM
testing only non-contractile components of joint
- bones, ligaments, menisci
problem is either with the muscle of the nerve supplying the muscle
- by removing stress on these components during P-ROM, greater ROM was achieved.
- torn or avulsed muscle
suggests the problem is within the joint
- frozen shoulder syndrome, dislocations, fractures
Muscle strength testing
combine with ROM
test in all ranges
think in opposites
test large muscle groups
Strength testing: 0
no muscle contraction is detected visually or with palpation
Strength testing: 1
a trace of muscle contraction is detected visually or with palpation, but no movement of the joint.
Strength testing: 2
pt is actively able to move the muscle when gravity is removed. (side to side, or laying on side)
Strength testing: 3
pt is able to actively move the muscle against gravity but not against any resistance