mmmEnglish Flashcards
Stále som zaneprázdnený.
I’ve been keeping busy.
Aký bol váš výlet do Portugalska?
How was your trip to Portugal?
Aká bola skúška?
How was the exam?
Nemôžem uveriť, akí sme dnes zaneprázdnení, však?
I can’t believe how busy we are today, can you?
Viem, celý týždeň som bol bez seba.
I know, I’ve been flat out all week.
Aký si mal deň?
How has your day been?
Aký si mal týždeň?
How has your week been?
Je to už dlho.
It’s been long.
Bolo rušno.
It’s been busy.
Bolo to hektické.
It’s been hectic.
Preletelo to.
It has flown by.
Môj týždeň bol zatiaľ skvelý. Vďaka.
My week’s been great so far. Thanks.
Ako dlho tu pracuješ?
How long have you worked here?
Čo si robil pred tým?
What did you do before this?
Na čom momentálne pracuješ?
What are you working on at the moment?