Cvičebnica Present continuous Level C Flashcards
Možno čakajú vonku.
They might be waiting outside.
They may be waiting outside.
Možno čaká dieťa.
She might be expecting a baby.
She may be expecting a baby.
Možno nás neočakajú.
They might not be expecting us.
They may not be expecting us.
Možno sa dnes necíti dobre. (on)
He might not be feeling well today.
He may not be feeling well today.
Možno obedujú.
They might be having lunch.
They may be having lunch.
Možno že už zase funguje výťah.
The lift might be working again.
The lift may be working again.
Ich telefón možno nefunguje.
Their telephone might not be working.
Their telephone may not be working.
Možno má problémy s autom. (on)
He might be having problems with his car.
He may be having problems with his car.
Možno (ona) tam už nežije. (nebýva)
She might not be living there any more.
She may not be living there any more.
Moja angličtina sa možno zlepšuje, ale neviem.
My English might be improving, but I don’t know.
My English may be improving, but I don’t know.