Cvičebnica Past Simple Level A ( WH questions) Flashcards
Čo to bolo?
What was it?
Čo sa stalo?
What happened?
Koľko bolo hodín?
What was the time?
Čo ti dal?
What did he give you?
Čo si mal na obed?
What did you have for lunch?
Kto to urobil?
Who did it?
Kto ti to povedal?
Who told you?
Kto to povedal?
Who said that/it?
Kto ho pozval?
Who invited him?
Kto napísal ,,On the Road”?
Who wrote ‘On the Road’?
Koho si stretol?
Who did you meet?
Koho (tým) myslela?
Who did she mean?
Komu si to povedal? / Komu ste to povedali?
Who did you tell?
Komu si to poslal?
Who did you send it to?
S kým si šiel?
Who did you go with?
Kedy si mal narodeniny?
When was your birthday?
Kedy odišli?
When did they leave/go?
Kedy kurz začal? Kedy začal ten kurz?
When did the course start?
Kedy ste im zaplatili?
When did you pay them?
Kedy predala svoje auto?
When did she sell her car?
Kde to bolo?
Where was it?
Kde si to našiel?
Where did you find it?
Kde ste sa to naučili?
Where did you learn that/it?
Kam to dal?
Where did he put it?
Kam išli minulý rok?
Where did they go last year?
Aká bola skúška?
How was the exam?
Ako zareagoval?
How did he react?
Ako sa cítila?
How did she feel?
Ako si to vedel?
How did you know (that)?
Ako ho chytili?
How did they catch him?
Prečo si tam bol?
Why were you there?
Prečo tam zostali?
Why did they stay there?
Prečo si si to kúpila?
Why did you buy it?
Prečo to povedala?
Why did she say that/it?
Prečo si ho vybrali?
Why did they choose him?
Koľko to stálo?
How much did it cost?
Koľko ste minuli? / Koľko si minul?
How much did you spend?
Koľko vám zaplatili?
How much did they pay you?
Koľko hier napísal Shakespeare?
How many plays did Shakespeare write?
Koľkokrát ste to skúšali?
How many times did you try (it)?