Cvičebnica Past Simple Level A (Negative declaratives) Flashcards
Nebolo to ťažké.
It wasn’t difficult.
Nebolo nám horúco.
We weren’t hot.
Nebolo horko. / Nebolo teplo.
It wasn’t hot.
Nebol som si istý.
I wasn’t sure/certain.
Nebol to problém.
It wasn’t a problem.
Nebola doma.
She wasn’t at home.
Nebolo to v piatok.
It wasn’t on Friday.
Jeho rodičia tam neboli.
His parents weren’t there.
Nebolo to veľmi zaujímavé. / Nebolo to moc zaujímavé.
It wasn’t very interesting.
Neboli hladní.
They weren’t hungry.
Nemal som čas.
I didn’t have (the) time.
Nemala lístok.
She didn’t have a ticket.
Nemal žiadne otázky.
He didn’t have any questions.
Nemali sme dosť peňazí.
We didn’t have enough money.
Minulý rok nemali dovolenku.
They didn’t have a holiday last year.
Nemal som hodinky.
I didn’t have a watch.
Nemala moje číslo.
She didn’t have my number.
Nemal bundu.
He didn’t have a jacket.
Vo štvrtok sme nemali hodinu angličtiny.
We didn’t have an English lesson on Thursday.
Nemali našu adresu.
They didn’t have our address.
Nespal som dobre.
I didn’t sleep well.
Nepočul ťa.
He didn’t hear you.
Nevadilo to. / Nezáležalo na tom.
It didn’t matter.
Nevadilo jej to.
She didn’t mind.
Ja som to tak nemyslel. / Nemyslel som to tak.
I didn’t mean it like that.
Tento koláč som nepiekol. Kúpil som ho.
I didn’t bake the cake. I bought it.
Nešli sme do Francúzska. Išli sme do Talianska.
We didn’t go to France. We went to Italy.
Čašník! Nechcel som hranolky, chcel som zemiaky.
Waiter! I didn’t want fries, I wanted potatoes.
Nedal som mu knihu. Požičal som mu ju.
I didn’t give him the book. I lent it to him.
Tú knihu si nekúpila. Požičala si ju z knižnice.
She didn’t buy the book. She borrowed it from the library.