Cvičebnica Past continuos Level B Flashcards
Práve som písal list Jill, keď zazvonil telefón. Bola to Jill!
I was writing a letter to Jill when the phone rang. It was Jill!
Keď som prechádzal cez ulicu, niekto zavolal moje meno.
I was crossing the street when someone called (out) my name.
Keď som pracoval v záhrade, začalo pršať.
I was working in the garden when it started to rain.
Práve varila obed, keď do kuchyne priletel vták.
Keď varila obed, do kuchyne priletel vták.
She was cooking lunch when a bird flew into the kitchen.
Práve som si obliekal kabát, keď niekto zazvonil pri dverách.
I was just putting on my coat when someone rang at the door.
Premýšľal som, čo robiť, keď som si zrazu spomenul na Pavlovu radu.
I was thinking what to do when I suddenly remembered Paul’s advice.
Počasie sa práve začínalo zlepšovať, keď dovolenka skončila.
The weather was just starting to improve when the holiday ended.
Keď som išiel domov z práce, stretol starého priateľa zo školy.
I was walking home from work when I met an old school friend.
Išiel cez pokojnú dedinu, keď mu do cesty vbehlo dieťa.
He was driving through a quiet village when a child ran into the road.
Učiteľ práve začínal hodinu, keď zazvonilo.
The teacher was just starting the lesson when the bell rang.
Šoféroval 140-kou, keď ho zastavili policajti.
He was driving at 140 when the police stopped him.
Keď som zavolal, boli ešte na obede.
They were still having lunch when I phoned/called.
Keď som prišiel na večierok, Robert práve odchádzal.
When I arrived at the party Robert was just leaving.
Keď sa zobudil, už raňajkovala.
When he woke up she was already having breakfast.
Keď prišiel do kancelárie, jeho sekretárka pila kávu a čítala Tinu.
When he arrived at the office his secretary was drinking coffee and reading Tina.