Cvičebnica Present continuous Level A Flashcards
It’s raining.
Jar prichádza.
Spring is coming.
Bábätko plače.
The baby is crying.
Pomáhajú jej.
They’re helping her.
Čaká na nás. (ona)
She’s waiting for us.
Toto mesto sa mení.
This town is changing.
Píše nový román. (on)
He’s writing a new novel.
Stavajú dom.
They’re building a house.
Hľadá svoje kľúče. (Ona)
She’s looking for her keys.
Pletiem ti sveter.
I’m knitting you a sweater.
Vysvetľuje im to. (On)
He’s explaining it to them.
Vaša angličtina sa zlepšuje.
Your English is improving.
Tešíme sa na to.
We’re looking forward to it.
Pripravujem (nejaké) raňajky.
I’m preparing (some/the) breakfast.
Čašník prináša jedálny lístok (menu).
The waiter is bringing the menu.
Môj brat si opravuje bicykel.
My brother is repairing his bicycle.
Táto domáca úloha mi robí problémy.
This homework is giving me problems.
Ona sa na nás nepozerá.
She’s not looking at us.
Ale on v tomto byte nebýva.
But he’s not living in this flat.
Jete málo. (Nejete dostatočne)
You’re not eating enough.
Ty ma nepočúvaš.
You’re not listening to me.
Neštuduje dosť. (ona)
She’s not studying enough.
Nie, on si nehľadá novú prácu.
No, he’s not looking for a new job.
Nerobíme pokroky.
We’re not making progress.
Neužívajú si to tam / Nemajú sa tam pekne / Nebavia sa tam.
They’re not having a good time there. (They’re not enjoying themselves there).
V týchto cvičeniach nerobím žiadne chyby.
I’m not making any mistakes in these exercises.
Pracuje dnes ráno? (On)
Is he working this morning?
Ona ide s nami?
Is she going with us?
Čakáš / čakáte na mňa?
Are you waiting for me?
Sedím na tvojom / vašom mieste?
Am I sitting in your place?
Myslíš na neho? / Rozmýšľaš o ňom?
Are you thinking about him?
Končí váš syn tento rok školu?
Is your son leaving school this year?
Hovoria pravdu?
Are they telling the truth?
Čo počítaš?
What are you counting?
Kto sa smeje?
Who is laughing?
Kto to prekladá?
Who is translating it?
Kde sa skrývajú?
Where are they hiding?
Kam nás to vezieš?
Where are you taking us?
Prečo odchádza? (on)
Why is he leaving / going?
Prečo šepkáš?
Why are you whispering?
Prečo nepočúvaš?
Why aren’t you listening?
Prečo zase fajčí? (ona)
Why is she smoking again?
Prečo jazdíš tak rýchlo?
Why are you driving so fast?
Aký film premietajú tento týždeň?
What film are they showing this week?
Koľko zarábate v novej práci?
How much are you earning in your new job?
Na čom sedíš?
What are you sitting on?
Čo hľadáš?
What are you looking for?
Čo počúvate?
What are you listening to?
O čom hovoria?
What are they talking about?
Na čo myslíš?
What are you thinking about?
Na čo sa ona pozerá ?
What is she looking at / [v televizii ] watching?
Komu píšeš?
Who are you writing to?
Na koho čakáš?
Who are you waiting for?
Na koho mávajú?
Who are they waving at?
S kým ide ona von?
Who is she going out with?
Pre koho ich kupujete?
Who are you buying them for?
Na ktorej kapitole pracuješ?
Which chapter are you working on?
Z akého pohára piješ?
Which glass are you drinking from?
V ktorom hoteli býva?
What hotel is he staying in?
Which hotel is he staying at?
O koho deti sa staráš?
Whose children are you looking after?