Cvičebnica Past continuos Level A Flashcards
Slnko svietilo.
The sun was shining.
It was raining.
It was snowing.
Fúkal silný vietor.
A strong wind was blowing.
Vtáky spievali.
The birds were singing.
Čo sa dialo?
What was happening?
Čo mala oblečené?
What was she wearing?
Čo tam robili?
What were they doing there?
Čo si študoval minulý rok?
What were you studying last year?
Akým jazykom hovorili?
What language were they speaking?
Kde si sedel?
Where were you sitting?
Kde sa hrali (tie) deti?
Where were the children playing?
Kde sa skrývala?
Where was she hiding?
Prečo plakala?
Why was she crying?
Prečo sa smial?
Why was he laughing?
Prečo ležali na koberci?
Why were they lying on the carpet?
Prečo si nepočúval?
Why weren’t you listening?
Na čo sa pozerala?
What was she looking at?
What was she watching? (v televízii)
Na čo si myslel?
What were you thinking about?
Čo hľadal?
What was he looking for?
Čo si počúval?
What were you listening to?
Na koho čakala?
Who was she waiting for?
O kom to hovorili?
Who were they talking about?
Who were they speaking about?
Komu si písal?
Who were you writing to?
Vedľa koho si sedel?
Who were you sitting next to?