Cvičebnica Past Simple Level A (Questions) Flashcards
Bol ten film dobrý?
Was the film good?
Bol tam David?
Was David there?
Bol si unaveny?
Were you tired?
Bolo to v pondelok?
Was it on Monday?
Bola tma?
Was it dark?
Boli prekvapení?
Were they surprised?
Bola skúška náročná?
Was the exam difficult?
Bol si dobré dieťa?
Were you a good child?
Bola tá reštaurácia drahá?
Was the restaurant expensive?
Boli tvoji rodičia nahnevaní?
Were your parents angry?
Mala dlhé vlasy?
Did she have long hair?
Mal si prestávku?
Did you have a break?
Mal so sebou aj sestru?
Did he have his sister with him?
Mali ste peknú dovolenku?
Did you have a nice holiday?
Mali pre nás nejaké správy?
Did they have any/some news for us?
Bola prechladnutá?
Did she have a cold?
Mali ste dobré počasie?
Did you have good weather?
Mal šancu?
Did he have a/the chance?
Mali ste dosť benzínu?
Did you have enough petrol?
Mali deti?
Did they have (any) children?
Pýtal si sa jej?
Did you ask her?
Páčila sa mu kniha?
Did he like the book?
Išli autobusom?
Did they go by bus?
Veril ti?
Did he believe you?
Potrebovali ste tu mapu?
Did you need the map?
Rozumel si jej?
Did you understand her?
Počul si to?
Did you hear it/that?
Zazvonil si?
Did you ring the bell?
Potrebovala vašu pomoc?
Did she need your help?
Vedeli o tom?
Did they know about it?
Kúpil si mi noviny?
Did you buy me a newspaper?
Navštívil ťa v piatok večer?
Did he visit you on Friday evening?
Odpovedala na všetky vaše otázky?
Did she answer all your questions?
Zatvorili ste okná?
Did you close/shut the windows?
Dostali veľa darčekov?
Did they get a lot of gifts?
Did they receive a lot of presents?