Cvičebnica Present continuous Level B Flashcards
Prídu zajtra.
They’re coming tomorrow.
Sťahujú sa o pár dní.
They’re moving in a few days.
Koncert sa koná budúcu nedeľu.
The concert is taking place next Sunday.
Kam sa chystáte tento rok na dovolenku?
Where are you going on holiday this year?
Ideš vo štvrtok na stretnutie?
Are you going to the meeting on Thursday?
Ráno nás odvezú na letisko.
They’re taking us to the airport in the morning.
Budúci týždeň mi pošle kópiu fotografie.
He’s sending me a copy of the photo next week.
Toto leto strávime dva týždne pri mori.
We’re spending two weeks by the sea this summer.
Čo mu dávaš na tohtoročné narodeniny?
What are you giving him for his birthday this year?
Požičia ti tvoj brat dnes večer auto?
Is your brother lending you his car this evening?
Začína ju neznášať. Prestáva sa mu páčiť.
He’s beginning/starting to dislike her.
He’s starting not to like her.
Nie, nemôžeš si to požičať. Ja to používam.
No, you can’t borrow it. I’m using it.
Niečo horí. Cítiš to?
Something’s burning. Can you smell it?
Nie, nie je to moja kniha. Len si ju požičiavam.
No, it isn’t my book. I’m just borrowing it.
V tomto ťažkom kabáte sa potím.
I’m sweating in this heavy coat.
Som hladný. V žalúdku mi škvŕka.
I’m hungry. My stomach’s / tummy’s rumbling.
Rastie rýchlo. Už je taká vysoká ako ty.
She’s growing fast. She’s already as tall as you.
Mám nádchu. Tečie mi z nosa, slzia mi oči a bolí ma hrdlo.
I’ve got a cold. My nose is running, my eyes are watering and my throat is hurting.