Cvičebnica Past continuos Level A (At Liz's party on Saturday../ V sobotu na večierku u Lízi..)) Flashcards
Všetci pili víno.
Everyone was drinking wine.
John miešal koktaily.
John was mixing cocktails.
Alex fajčil cigary.
Alex was smoking cigars.
Belinda tancovala so všetkými.
Belinda was dancing with everyone.
Adam nám rozprával príbehy.
Adam was telling us stories.
Sharon a Kevin sa hádali.
Sharon and Kevin were arguing.
Diana flirtovala s Georgom.
Diana was flirting with George.
Liz umývala riad v kuchyni.
Liz was washing the dishes in the kitchen.
Liz was doing the washing up in the kitchen.
Mačka sa skrývala v spálni.
The cat was hiding in the bedroom.
Susedia sa snažili zaspať.
The neighbors were trying to sleep.
O 9:20 pán Wise pomáhal synovi s domácimi úlohami.
At 9:20 Mr. Wise was helping his son with his homework.
Pán Pinta a pán Liter sedeli v krčme.
Mr. Pint and Mr. Litre were sitting in the pub.
Pani Sweet piekla svojej dcére narodeninovú tortu.
Mrs. Sweet was baking her daughter a birthday cake.
Jonny Wheeler si v garáži opravoval bicykel.
Jonny Wheeler was repairing his bicycle in the garage.
Pán a pani Channelovi pozerali film v televízii.
Mr. and Mrs. Channel were watching a film on the television.