Cvičebnica Past Simple Level A Flashcards
Bol unavený.
He was tired.
Boli štyri hodiny.
It was four o’clock.
Boli hladní.
They were hungry.
Bolo chladno. Bola zima.
It was cold.
Bola mi zima.
I was cold.
Mala problém.
She had a problem.
Mali sme psa.
We had a dog.
Mal zelené oči.
He had green eyes.
Bol som prechladnutý.
I had a cold.
Mala dobrý nápad.
She had a good idea.
Povedala ahoj.
She said hello.
Urobil to bez nás. Zvládol to bez nás.
He did it without us.
Sedeli sme a čakali.
We sat and waited.
Zjedli všetko.
They ate everything.
Dala im peniaze.
She gave them the/some money.
Išiel do krčmy.
He went to the pub.
Napísal som im dlhý list.
I wrote them a long letter.
Povedali mi o svojej dovolenke.
They told me about their holiday.
Vypila tri poháre vína.
She drank three glasses of wine.
Niekto zavolal moje meno.
Someone called my name.
Bývali sme v krásnom hoteli.
We stayed in/at a beautiful hotel.
Videl som tvoju sestru v knižnici.
I saw your sister in the library.
Dala mu svoje telefónne číslo.
She gave him her telephone number.
Na stretnutie prišli všetci.
Everyone came to the meeting.
Cez víkend som prečítal dobrú knihu.
I read a good book at the weekend.
Už ako päťročný vedel čítať. / Vedel čítať, keď mal päť rokov.
He could read when he was five.
Včera večer som sa učil angličtinu.
I studied English yesterday evening.
Počuli sme o tom vo štvrtok.
We heard about it on Thursday.
Dnes nás naučili minulý čas. / Dnes nás učili minulý čas.
They taught us the past tense today.
Koncert sa začal o siedmej.
The concert began/started at seven.
Chvíľu o tom premýšľal.
He thought about it (for) a while/moment.
Jej starý otec poznal Winstona Churchilla.
Her grandfather knew Winston Churchill.
Rozumel som textu bez problémov. / Textu som bez problémov porozumel.
I understood the text without (any) problems.
Včera som počúval správy trikrát.
I listened to the news three times yesterday.
Dnes sme sa v škole naučili veľa nových slov.
We learned a lot of new words at school today.
Kúpila si novú zimnú bundu.
She bought a new winter jacket.
Peniaze si vložil do vrecka.
He put the money in(to) his pocket.
Zaplatili sme im v librách.
We paid them in pounds.
Ten tím hral veľmi dobre.
The team played very well.
Na narodeniny som dostal nový bicykel. / K narodeninám som dostal nový bicykel.
I got a new bicycle for my birthday.
V Paríži minula veľa peňazí.
She spent a lot of money in Paris.
Dostal list so zlou správou.
He received a letter with some bad news.
Dovolenka ich vyšla na sedemtisíc korún. / Dovolenka ich stála sedem tisíc korún.
The holiday cost them seven thousand crowns.
Predal svoj starý bicykel a kúpil si nový.
He sold his old bicycle and bought a new one.
Cez víkend sme navštívili pár priateľov na Morave.
At the weekend we visited some friends in Moravia.
Dnes sme v škole spievali nejaké anglické pesničky.
We sang some English songs at school today.
Malý chlapec sa rozbehol k svojej matke.
The little boy ran to his mother.
V roku 1987 preplávala Lamanšský prieliv. / Lamanšský prieliv preplávala v roku 1987.
She swam across the English Channel in 1987.
Do Sydney sme leteli cez Bangkok. / Leteli sme do Sydney cez Bangkok.
We flew to Sydney via Bangkok.
Môj starý otec jazdil na starom, čiernom forde.
My grandfather drove an old, black Ford.
Keď bola mladá, veľa cestovala. / V mladosti veľa cestovala.
She travelled a lot when she was young.
Spadol do rieky.
He fell into the river.
Plakala a plakala.
She cried and cried.
V Turecku som stratil fotoaparát.
I lost my camera in Turkey.
Dnes ráno som našiel dvadsať eur.
I found twenty euro this morning.
Rozbila mu okuliare. / Rozbila jeho okuliare.
She broke his glasses.
Zabudol som sa ho spýtať.
I forgot to ask him.
Zastavila ho polícia.
The police stopped him.
Priniesol mi bonboniéru.
He brought me a box of chocolates.
Vzala si so sebou veľa oblečenia.
She took a lot of clothes with her.
Rodičia mu požičali svoje auto.
His parents lent him their car.
Poslali sme im pohľadnicu.
We sent them a postcard.
Chytil veľkého kapra.
He caught a big/large carp.
Hodil rybu späť do rieky.
He threw the fish back into the river.
Manchester ten zápas vyhral.
Manchester won the match.
Odchádzali o pol desiatej. / O pol desiatej odišli.
They left/went at half past nine.
Rozprávali sme sa asi dve hodiny.
We spoke/talked for about two hours.
Minulý týždeň som stretol jeho manželku. / Minulý týždeň som sa stretol s jeho manželkou.
I met his wife last week.
Nakreslila vázu s kvetmi.
She drew a vase with flowers.
V nedeľu celý deň svietilo slnko.
The sun shone all day on Sunday.