Hardly anything Flashcards
Takmer nič.
Hardly anything.
Nie je tu skoro nič.
There’s hardly anything in here.
Len ťažko rozumiem tomu, čo hovoríš.
I can hardly understand what you say.
Nerozumiem takmer ničomu.
I hardly understand anything.
K dispozícii nebolo takmer nič, zdalo sa to ako dobrá príležitosť.
There was hardly anything available, it seemed like a good opportunity.
No ja by som bol spokojný takmer s ničím.
Well, I’d be happy with hardly anything.
Na tanieri nemáte takmer nič.
There’s hardly anything on your plate.
No skoro vôbec nič.
Well, hardly anything at all.
Ale nevidel som skoro nič.
But I’ve seen hardly anything.
O stroji som nevedel takmer nič.
I knew hardly anything about the machine.
O týchto recyklačných strojoch neviem takmer nič.
I know hardly anything about these recycling machines.
To je sotva niečo, čo by stálo za to po niekom strieľať.
That’s hardly anything worth shooting somebody over.
To je sotva niečo, čo stojí za to.
That’s hardly anything it is worth it.
Neznášam, že tam nie je takmer nič zelené.
I hate that there’s hardly anything green.
Takmer ničomu nerozumiete.
You hardly understand anything.