Microbiology: Pyrexia of Unknown Origin & Fever in the returning traveler Flashcards
PUO & Fever in the returning traveller
What is the definition of Pyrexia of Unknown Origin?

PUO & Fever in the returning traveller
- What is the approach to Neutropenic fever?
- What are the other key points to consider in PUO?

PUO & Fever in the returning traveller
What are the main causes of fever in the returning traveller?

PUO & Fever in the returning traveller
What are the symptoms, investigations and management options for Typhoid?
- Cotrimidazole, Chloramphenicol or ampicillin
- (Multi-drug resistance) >> 3rd gen cephalosporin or azithromycin

PUO & Fever in the returning traveller
What insect carries malara?

PUO & Fever in the returning traveller
What are the major features of sever or complicated Malaria?
- I: Impaired concoiusness/Seizures
- S: Shock
- P: Pulmonary oedema or ARDS
- H: Hypoglycaemia (<2.2mmol)/Haemoglobinueria
- A: Anaemia (Hb <8)
- R: Renal imapairement
- A: Acidosis (ph <7.3)
- O: Other indications
- S: Spontaneous bleeding/DIC

PUO & Fever in the returning traveller
What are the investigations for P.Falciparum?

PUO & Fever in the returning traveller
What is the treatment for P.Falciparum?

PUO & Fever in the returning traveller
What are the common signs of P.Falciparum?

PUO & Fever in the returning traveller
What are the symptoms of P.Falciparum?
Uncommon signs:
- Diarrhoea
- Dark Urine
- Abdrominal pain
- Confusion
- Cough

PUO & Fever in the returning traveller
What is the definition of Classical PUO and give some examples
PUO Definition:
>38.3⁰C fever on several occasions persisting >3/52 without diagnosis despite >1/52 of intensive Ix

PUO & Fever in the returning traveller
What is the definition of Healthcare associated PUO and give some examples

PUO & Fever in the returning traveller
What is the definition of Neutropenic PUO and give some examples

PUO & Fever in the returning traveller
What is the definition of HIV Associated PUO and give some examples

PUO & Fever in the returning traveller
What are the Severity & Liver stage, Length of Rhythm, Blood film and treatment of P.Falciparum

PUO & Fever in the returning traveller
What are the Severity & Liver stage, Length of Rhythm, Blood film and treatment of P.Vivax

PUO & Fever in the returning traveller
What are the Severity & Liver stage, Length of Rhythm, Blood film and treatment of P.Ovale

PUO & Fever in the returning traveller
What are the Severity & Liver stage, Length of Rhythm, Blood film and treatment of P.Malaria