Microbiology: Fungal Infections/Anti-Fungals/Herpes Infections Flashcards
Fungal Infections
Who are particularly vulnerable to fingal infections?
Why can they be difficult to diagnose?
What is the classification of fungal infections?

Fungal Infections
What are the key superficial fungal infections and how are they diagnosed?

Fungal Infections
What are the key deep fungal infections and how are they diagnosed?
Diagnosed: clinical details, lab results and imaging
Main types:
- Candida
- Aspergillus
- Cryptococcus
What are the targets and indications of:
- Polyene
- Azole
- Terbinafine
- Flucytosine
- Echinocandin

Herpes Infections
What are the classifications of Herpes infections?
Herpes Infection Classifications:
- Infected cells swell (hence megavirus)
- Roseola virus
- HSV1 & HSV2: dsDNA. No animal reservoir. Persistent latent phase in DRG. Lytic infection of fibroblasts + epithelial cells. Transmitted via muco-cutaneous contact
VZV:dsDNA. Droplet spread. Viral replication in LNs, then in liver + spleen then vesicular rash (rash ~48hrs after infection). 14/7
- Shingles
- Chickenpox
- HHV8
Herpes Infections
What are the symptoms of the following:
- Asymptomatic CMV
- Congenital CMV
Congential: LIMITED JHCC:
- Late progressive sensorineural deafness
- Microcephaly
- Impaired IQ
- Thrombocytopenia
- Encephalitis
- Death
- Jaundice
- Hepatosplenomegaly
- Chorioretinitis
- Cytomegalic inclusion disease (13%)

Herpes Infections
What are the symptoms of the following:
- CMV Mononucelosis
- Immunocompromised CMV
Immunocompromised CMV: “GRAPH/GRAF B”
- GI: colitis
- Retinitis (Retinitis=AIDS)/Radiculopathy
- Addisons disease
- Pneumonitis (in BMT patients)
- Hepatitis
- Fever
- Bone Marrow supression

Herpes Infections
What is/are the aetiology, investigations and treatment of Cytomegalovirus?
Investigtions: STICHH
- Immunocompromised: limited diagnostic value
- Immunocompitent: CMV IgM & IgG (IgG low avidity in first infection)
- Tissue
- Immunoflourescence
- Cell culture
- Histopathology
Heterphile Antibodies
- Paul Bunnel monospot: clumping of sheep RBCs

Herpes Infections
What are the symptoms investigations and management of Roseola infections?

Herpes Infections
What are the features of oral HSV1/HSV 2 infections?

Herpes Infections
What are the features of ocular HSV1/HSV 2 infections?

Herpes Infections
What are the features of genital HSV1/HSV 2 infections?

Herpes Infections
What are the symptoms of Encephalitis from HSV1/HSV2 infections?

Herpes Infections
What are the symptoms of skin infections from HSV1/HSV2 infections?

Herpes Infections
What are the CT/MRI findings in Encephalitis from HSV1/HSV2 infections?

Herpes Infections
What is Mollarets Meningitis?

Herpes Infections
What are features of Varicella Zoster infections in pregnancy?

Herpes Infections
What are the investigations of skin infections from HSV1/HSV2 infections?
ELISA= HSV-2 IgG enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay

Herpes Infections
What are the CSF findings in Encephalitis from HSV1/HSV2 infections?

Herpes Infections:
What is the management of skin infections from HSV1/HSV2 infections?

Herpes Infections
What are the symptoms of Varicella Zoster infections?

Herpes Infections
What are the investigations for Varicella Zoster infections?

Herpes Infections
What is the management of Varicella Zoster infections?
- Can give Aciclovir within 24hrs of exposure
- IVIG VZV can be give up to 10 days post exposure

Herpes Infections
What are the symptoms, investigations and management of Shingles infections?

Herpes Infections
What are the features of:
- Infectious mononucleosis
- Burkitt’s lymphoma
Alongside Nasopharyngeal Ca and Post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease, these are the possible causes of EBV.

Herpes Infections
What are the features of HHV8 infections?

Herpes Infections
What are the features of Neonatal HSV1/HSV2 infections?

Herpes Infections
What is the management of Encephalitis from HSV1/HSV2 infections?

Herpes Infections:
What are the features of:
- Nasopharyngeal Ca
- Post transplant lymphoproliferative disease
Alongside Infectious mononucleosis and Burkitt’s lymphoma, possible causes of EBV

Fungal Infections
What are the symptoms, investigations and management of Candida infections?

Fungal Infections
What are the symptoms, investigations and management of Crypotococcus infections?

Fungal Infections
What are the symptoms, investigations and management of Aspergillus infections?