Major events that occur in prenatal development Flashcards
What is the size of the baby in the first month?
0.4 cm less than 1 gram
What is the significant developments that take place in the first month?
- Spinal column and central nervous systems starts to form
- Appendages are represented by small limb buds
- Heart begins beating around day 22
What size is the baby in the second month?
3 cm, 1 gram
What are the significant developments that take place in the second month?
- Eyes form, but eyelids are fused shut
- Nose is flat
*Head is nearly as large as the body - Nostrils are evident but filled with mucus
- Limb buds form paddle like hands and form ridges
- Brain waves are detectable
- Bone growth begins
- Blood cells and major blood vessels form
- Genitals are present, but sexes are not yet distinguishable
What is the size of the baby in the third month?
9 cm, 30 grams
What are the significant developments that take place in the third month?
- Eyes are well developed, but eyelids are still fused shut
- Nose develops bridge
- Fetus swallows amniotic fluid and produces urine
- Sexes can be distinguished visually
- Limbs are well formed, with nails on fingers and toes
- External ears are present
- Fetus moves but not enough for the mother to feel it
What is the size of the fetus in the fourth month?
14 cm and 100 grams
What are the significant developments that take place in the fourth month?
- Face looks more distinctly human
- Body is larger in proportion to head
- Skin is bright
- Scalp has hair
- Joints are forming
- Lip exhibits sucking movements
- Heart beat can be heard with a stethoscope
What is the size of the fetus in the fifth month?
19 cm - 200-450 g
What are the significant developments that take place in the fifth month?
- Body is covered in hair (lanugo)
- Skin has oily secretion to protect it from amniotic fluid
- Fetus is now bent forward into fetal position
- Mother can feel fetal movements
- Skin is bright
What is the size of the fetus in the sixth month?
- 27cm to 35 cm - 550-800g
What is the significant developments that take place in the sixth month?
- Eyes are open
- Eyelashes form
- Skin is wrinkled, pink, translucent
What is the size of the fetus in the seventh month?
32-42 cm/1100 to 1350 g
what are the significant developments that take place in the seventh month?
- Skin is wrinkled and red
- Fetus turns to an upside down position
- Bone marrow is the only site for red blood cell formation
- Testes descend to scrotum
- Fetus can usually survive if it is born prematurely
What is the significant developments that take place in the 8th month?
- Fatty tissue deposition gives fetus more babyish look
- Twins are born
What is the significant developments that take place in the 9th month?
- More fat deposition occurs
- Lanugo is shed
- Nails extend to or beyond finger tips
- Birth is imminent