18.4 Flashcards
What do genetic researchers use to organize and store genetic information?
Gene banks and DNA libraries
What is the use of natural biological systems to create new technologies and products?
What is a DNA micoarray?
A chip that contains a grid of microscopic cells
* Each cells contains a nucleic sequence - bind with on of the MRNA molecules transcribed during gene expression
How does the DNA microarray work?
- mRNA is retracted from the cell to be studied
- mRNA sample from each cell is used as a template to synthesize an artificial DNA - cDNA
- marked with a fluorescent tag later for identification - Microarray is scanned and analyzed to compare the patterns of gene expression
What does the DNA microarray allow for scientists?
It allows them to analyze the activity of thousands of genes at once
What is a benefit of studying the human genome?
Potential drugs can be developed that are unique to the genome of the patient
What was the genographic project?
A five year venture to use DNA samples provided by volunteers around the world as a tool to learn more about the migrations of ancient peoples
What is a transgenic organism?
An organism whose genetic material includes DNA from a different species
What is the benefit of human insulin?
It is a transgenic bacteria - bacteria is cultured in large quantities - they will have lower costs
What is an additional benefit of transgenic bacteria?
- it can be used to naturally degrade toxic substances such as PCBS
- Can clean oil spills
- Filter air from factory smokestacks
What is bioremediation?
The use of living cells for environmental remediation
What is golden rice?
Rice that has been genetically modified to increase its iron and Vitamin A content
What are organisms that are genetically identical?
How was Dolly the sheep created?
- Unfertilized egg from donor and Udder cell from donor (cultured so medium stops division)
- Udder cell is transported in egg cell
- Electric current is started to restart the cell cycle
- Cells are cultured - some begin to divide to produce early embryos
- Embryos are implanted in the uterus of the surrogate mother - embryo that survives and it genetically identical to udder cell donor
What are environmental affects of transgenics?
Farmers will use higher levels of herbicides - can build up in water ways
* Can create super organisms
What are health affects of transgenics?
We are not aware of any long term affects
What are social and economical risks of transgenics?
Are we spending to much money on it
What is ultrasound?
It gives images of the developing fetus
* Waves beyond the limit of human hearing are sent through the amniotic fluid
- sound waves bounce off of the fetus and are used to create a cross sectional of the fetus ( can reveal abnormalities)
What is amniocentesis?
A needle is used to withdraw a small sample of amniotic fluid from the uterus
* The extracted fluid is placed in a special nutrient rich medium and the cells are allowed to multiply
- When cell sample is large enough - researches can prepare a karyotype of another genetic analysis
Can amniocentesis be done before the fourteenth week of pregnancy?
What is chorionic villi sampling?
- Done at the ninth week of pregnancy - cells can be removed from the chorion (tissue that surrounds amniotic sac)
- fetal cells carry the same genetic information as the developing fetus
- chorionic cells are then used to prepare a karyotype
What are genetic markers?
Characteristics that provides information about the genotype of an individual.
What can be used as a genetic marker?
A nucleotide sequence - that is associated with part of the gene of interest
How can gene of interest be found?
- DNA probe that consists of a molecule DNA with a nucleic acid sequence that is complementary to the marker sequence - DNA from tissue sample is placed in suspension with DNA probe
- If DNA contains gene of interest the probe will bind to marker sequence
What is gene therapy?
The process of changing the function of a gene in order to prevent genetic disorder
What disorders are combatted by targeting their genetic causes?
Parkinson’s disease and diabetes
What do DNA vectors do?
They carry foreign bacteria into the target cells in patients
* Vector is a modified for of a virus
* Virus’ are more suitable because they have the ability to target certain types of living cells and to insert their DNA into the genome of these cells
How are restriction endonucleases useful in gene therapy?
Virus’ can be genetically altered so that they carry a desired genome
What is somatic gene therapy?
Gene therapy that is aimed at correcting genetic disorders in somatic cells
What is germ line therapy?
Modifying the genetic information carried in egg and sperm cells