Artificial Technologies - 15.3 Flashcards
What does it mean to be sterile?
Men and women who are unable to have children
What does it mean to be infertile?
Men and women who have difficulty conceiving - they have been trying for a few years but are uncessefully pregnant
What is sign of infertility/sterility in men?
- Low Sperm Count
- Obstruction in epididymis and ductus deferens
- High proportion of abnormal, nonviable sperm
- Inability to achieve an erection or ejaculation
What are signs of infertility/sterility in women?
- Blocked oviducts
- Failure to ovulate
- Endometriosis (tissue grows outside uterus)
- Damaged eggs
What is Artificial Insemination?
When sperm is collected and concentrated then put in the vagina of a woman
What is In vitro fertilization?
- Ultrasound specifies which follicle is close to maturation
- Immature egg is retrieved from follicle
- Egg is combine with sperm in glassware
- After fertilization sperm is placed in woman’s uterus
What is Gamete Intrafallopian Transfer?
When the egg and sperm are brought together in the oviduct (it has a higher success rate).
What is a surrogate mother?
A woman who carries the baby for the couple
* Using AI or IVF, one or both gametes from the couple can be contributed by the contracting couple
What is superovulation?
The production of multiple eggs as a result of hormone treatment
* It can be used while using other reproductive technologies
What is contraception?
When fertile couples want to avoid having children
What is abstinence?
Avoididng sexual intercourse
What is surgical sterilization in men?
Vasectomy - cutting and tying the ductus deferens
What is surgical sterilization in women?
Vital litigation - cutting and tying the oviducts
How are hormone treatments taken?
What is hormone treatments?
When hormones are used to mimic progesterone and estrogen to inhibit the production of FSH and LH
* Prevents ovulation from happeneing
What are more intensive hormone treatments?
The “Morning after pill” gives woman high doses of estrogen and progesterone
* If fertilization has occurred - it prevents the embryo from planting into the uterus
What are physical barriers?
- Male and female condom (85% effective)
- Latex sponges (90% effective)
What are chemical barriers?
- Contraceptive sponges (70 -70% effective)
- Spermicides - jellies, foams, creams - (75%)
What is natural family planning
*Couples refraining from sex when woman is on cycle
* She is most fertile (week before ovulation to day or two afterwards)
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