Lung Volumes & Capacities Flashcards
As depth of breathing increases this means…
Tidal volume increases, because we are increasingly using our inspiratory reserve volume and expiratory reserve volume
As we exercise our depth of breathing…
Our vital capacity does not change =
Tidal volume + inspiratory + expiratory reserve volume
Tidal volume (TV) = Change during exercise:
Amount of air breathed in or out per breath
Inspiratory reserve volume (IRV)=
Change during exercise =
Maximal amount of air forcibly inspired following end of resting inspiration
Expiratory reserve volume (ERV) =
Change during exercise =
Maximal volume expired following end of resting expiration
Residual volume (RV) =
(TLC - VC)
Change during exercise =
Volume of air remaining in the lungs at the end of maximal expiration
Remains the same
Inspiratory capacity (IC)=
(TV + IRV)
Change during exercise =
Maximum volume of air inspired from resting expiratory levels
Vital capacity (VC) =
(IRV + TV + ERV)
Change during exercise =
Maximum volume of air forcibly expired following maximal inspiration
Slight decrease
Total lung capacity (TLC) =
(VC + RV)
Change during exercise =
Volume of air that is in the lungs following maximal inspiration
Slight decrease
Minute ventilation (VE) =
(TV x f)
Change during exercise =
Volume of air inspired or expired per minute
Dramatic increase
Minute ventilation =
Moving air in and our of our lungs
Minute ventilation is the amount of air that is moved in and out of the lungs in one minute
A function of our depth of breathing (tidal volume) and the frequency of breathing
VE = frequency of breathing x tidal volume (ml)
During exercise both the depth and rate increase that VE fan approach 180-200 for male endurance athletes
Lung function is measured using a …
Peak flow meter or a more complex machine called a spirometer
Capacity varies with…
Body shape
Fitness level
Respiratory fitness is determined by measuring the …
Maximum amount of oxygen that can be used by a person’s body - VO2 max
The higher the VO2 max…
The fitter the individual
Effects of exercise:
More oxygen is required by the muscles and more carbon dioxide is produced for removal
Breathing rate increases
Depth of breathing increases
Blood flow through lungs increases
Effects of smoking:
Damages your lungs
Reduces the amount of oxygen that can be carried in blood
Damages the lining of airways and increases the amount of mucus produced
Reduces alveolar function
Increases the risk of lung infection, emphysema, bronchitis, asthma and lung cancer
Reduces vital capacity
Reduces aerobic fitness