Life Safety Code Flashcards
Accessible means of egress:
A path of travel, usable by a personwith a severe mobility impairment, that leads to a public way or an area of refuge.
Accessible area of refuge
An area of refuge that complies with the accessible route requriemtne of CABO/ANSI A117.1
Common path of travel:
That portion of exit access that must be traversed before 2 separate and distinct paths of travel to 2 exits are available.
Standard method of test for critical radiant flux of loor covering systemsn using a radiant heat energy source is NFPA ??
NFPA 253
What is measured by NFPA 253
The level if incident radiant heat energy on a floor covering system at the most distant flameout point
What is a draft stop?
A continuous membrane used to subdivide a concealed space to restrict the passage of smoke, heat nad flame.
What do exits consist of?
Exterior exit doors, exit passageways, horizontal exits, separated exit stairs nad separated exit ramps
Exit discharge
That portion of a means of egress that leads to an exit.
Standard methods of fire tests of door assemblies of NFPA??
NFPA 252
Standard of Fire Test for Window and Glass Block Assemblies is NFPA ??
NFPA 257
Standard Methods of Test of Fire Endurance of Buildingn Construction and Materials is NFPA ???
NFPA 251
Gross floor area includes:
The area within the inside perimeter of the outside walls of the building with no deduction for hallways, stairs, closets, thickness of interior walls, columns or other features.
Net floor area includes:
The actual occupied area, not includeing accessory unoccupied area of thickness of walls.
What is live load?
The weight superimposed byt he use andoccupancy of the building, ot including the windo load, earthquake load or dead load.
ASTM E136 is:
Standard Test Method for Behavior of Materials in a Vertical Tube Furnace of 750 degrees Celcius
What is occupant load?
The total number of persons that might ocupy a buildingor portion thereof at any one time.
What is an occupiable story?
A story occupipes by people on a regular basis. Stories used exclusively for mechanical equipment roms, elevator penthouses, and similar spaces are not occupiable stories.
Define public way:
Any streeet, aley, or other similar parcel of land essentially open to the ouside air deeded, dedicated or otherwaise permanently appropriated to the public for public use and having a clear width and height of not less than 10 feet
Describe Assemby Occupancy:
They include, but are not limited to, all buildings, or portions thereof, used for gathering together 50 or more persons for such purposed as deliberation, worship, entertainment, eating, drinking, amusement or awatting trasportation. They also include special amusement building regardless of occupant load.
What building types are included under “Assembly Occupancy”
Armories, Assembly halls, Auditioriums, Bowling lanes, Club rooms, College and university classrooms (50 people and over), Conference rooms, Courtrooms, Dance halls, Drinking establishments, Exhibition halls, Gymnasiums, Libraries, Morturay chapels, Motion picture theaters, Museums, Passenger stations an dterminals of air, surface, underground and marine public transportation facilities, Places of religious worship, Pool rooms, Recreation piers, Resaturants, Skating rinks, Theaters
What is included in “Educational Occupancy”
Academies, Kindergartens, Nursery Schools, Schools
Health care occupancies include:
Hospitals, Limited Care Facilities, Nursing homes
Describe health care occupancy
Health care occupansices provide sleeping facilities for fouror more occupants and are occupies by persons who are mostly incapable of self-preservation becaus of age, phycial or mental disablitiy or becuase of security measures not unther the occupants control.
Describe Educational Occupancy
Includes all building or portionsof building used for educations purposed through the 12th grade by six ormore persons for 4 or more hours / day or 12 hours / week.
Describe Detention and Correction Occupancy
Used to house individuals under varied degrees of restraint or security and are occupied by persons who are mostly incapable of self-preservation because of security measures not under their control.
Detention and Correction occupancies include:
Adult and juvenile substance abuse cneters, Adult and juvenile work camps, Adult community residential centers, Adult correctional institutions, Adult local detention facilities, Juvenile community residential cetners, Juvenile detention facilities, Juvenile training schools
Describe Residential occupancy:
Those occupancies in which sleeping accommodations are provided for normal residntial purposed nad include all buildihng desinged to provide sleeping accomodations.
Residential occupancies include:
Hotesl, motels and dormitories, Apartment buildings, Lodging or rooming houses, One and Two familyt dwellings, and Board and Care Facilities.
Describe Mercantile Occupancy:
Includes stores, markets and other rooms, buildings or structures for the display and sale of merchandise.
What is included in Mercantile Occupancy?
Acution rooms, Department stores, Drugstores, Shopping centers, Supermarkets.
Used for the transaction of business (other than mercantile), for the keeping of accounts and recors, and for similar purposes is called __________ occupancy
Air traffic control towers, City halls, College and Universigy instructional buildings, classrooms under 50 persons and insctructional laboratories, Courhouses, Dentists offices, Doctors Offices, General Offices, Outpatient Clinics, ambulatory, Town Halls are included in what occupancy?
What occupancy group includes factories making products of allkinds adn properties devoted to operations such as processing, assembling, mixing, packaging, finishing or decorating and repairing
Dry cleaning plants, Factories of all kinds, Food processing plants, Gas plants, Hangars (for servicing/maintenance), Laundries, Power plants, Pumping stations, Refineries, Sawmills, Telephone exchanges are included in what occupancy?
What occupancy includes all buildings or structures utilize primarity for the storage or sheltering of goods, merchanidise, products, vehicles, or animals
Storage Occupancy
The following are included in what occupancy: Barns, Bulk oil storage, Cold storage, Freight terminals, Grain elevators, Hangars (for storage only), Parking structures, Stables, Truck and marine terminals, Warehouses.
Storage Occupancy
What occupancy includes all buildings or portions of buildings in which four or more clients receive care, maintenance, and supervision, by other than their relatives or legal guardians, for less then 24 hours per day.
The following are included in what occupancy: Child day care, Adult day care (except where part of a health care facility), Nursery schools, Day-care homes, Kindergarten class that are incidental to a child day-care occupancy.
Describe Mixed Occupancy:
Where two or more classes of occupancy occurin the same building or structure and are intermingles so that separate safeguards are impracticle, means of egress facilities, construction, protection, and other safeguardsshall comply with the most restrictive life safety requirements of the occupancies involved.
ANSI 117.1
American National Standard for Accessible and Usable Buildings & Faciilities
Area of Refuge is either:
- A story which is protected throughout by an apporved, supervised automatic sprinkler systme and at least 2 accessible rooms or spaces separated from each other by smoke-resisting paritions OR 2. A space, in a path of travel elading to a public way, that is protected fromthe effects of fire, either by means of separation fromother spacesin the same builind or by virtue of locations, thereby permitting a delay in egress travel from any level.
The portion of a means of egress that is separated from all other spaces of the building or structure by construction or equipment
Exit discharge
The portionof a means of egress between the termination of an exit and a public way
Means of Egress:
A continuous and unobstructed way of trael from any point in a building or structure to a public way constisting of three separate and distinct parts (1) the exit access, (2) the exit and (3) the exit discharge
Horizontal exit:
A way of passage from one building to an area of refuge in another building on approximately the same level, or a way of passage through or around a fire barrier to an area of refuge on approximately the same level in the same building that affords safety from fire and smoke originating from the area of incidence and areas communitcating therewith.
Has a slope greater than 1 in 20
Minimum ht of ceiling in means of egress areas:
Min ht above finish floor for any projections from the ceiling:
Minimum headroom on stairs:
6’-8” measured vertically above a plane parallel to and tangent with the most forward projection of the stair tread.
Minimum ht of open side that would require a guard to be installed:
Minimum clear width of door openings in a means of egress:
Door swing into a means of egress corridor cannot:
Obstruct more than half the means of egress width while opening, or project more than 7” into the width when fully opened.
Minimum clear width of stairs and ramps, clear of all obstruction except projectsionnot more the 3 1/2” at or below handrail ht on each side
44” (36” where total occumpnat load of all stories servded by staiway is fewer than 50
Maximum riser ht of stairs:
7” (Existing Bldg Class A - 7 1/2”, Class B - 8”)
Minimum riser ht of stairs:
Minimum tread depth of stairs:
11” (Existing building Class A - 10”, Class B - 9”)
Maximum ht between landings on stairs:
Can monumental stairs be used as part of a means of egress?
Only where all requriements of a means of egress are met.
Requirements for a curved stair to be part of a means of egress:
Minimum depth of tread is 11” measured 12” from the narrow end of the tread AND the smalled radius is at least twice the stair width
When the following requirements are met what type of stair can be part of the means of egress: (1) The occupant load is not more than 5 (2) Clear width of the stair is at least 26” (3) Ht of hte risers is not more than 9 1/2” (4) Headroom is at least 6’ 6”, (5) Treads have a minumum depth of 7 1/2” at a point 12” from the narrow edge, and (6) All treads are identical
Spiral Stair
Winders can be used as part of a means of egress when what 2 conditions are met?
Minimum riser depth of 6” and a minumum depth of tread of 11” measured 12” from the narrow edge.
If not vertical stair risers shall be permitted to slope under the trad at an angle of not more than ______
30 degrees
Stair nosings shall not project more than ________
1 1/2”
Handrails should be installed
On both sides of stairs & ramps and shall be provided withoin 30” of all portions of hte requied egress width of stairs.
Handrail height
Between 24” - 38” above the surface of the tread measured from the leading edge of the tread.
Handrail extensions at top and bottom of stairs shall be:
12” horizontally beyond the top riser and continue to slope for a depth of one tread beyond the bottom riser.
Height of guard rails:
Stair enclosure shall have a _____ fire rating
2 hr
Vestibule in an enclusure shall have a fire rating of _________
1 1/2 hr with doors to stair having a 20-min fire rating
Discharge from enclosure shall be in to one of 3 areas:
A public way, a yard or court having direct access to a public way, or into an exit passageway having no openings other than from the enclosure and to the outside
Fire Barrier separating building or areas beetween which there are horizontal existing shall have a ___________ fire rating
2 hr and shall provide a separation continuous to ground
Exit doors on bridge or balcony must swing in the direction of egress travel. If egress occurs in both directions what must happen
A pair of doors must be installed with one swinging in each direction. Only the door swinging in the direction of travel is counted in determining egress capacity.
Ramp maximum slope greater than 6” rise
1 in 12
Ramp maximum slope greater than 3” and less than 6” rise
1 in 10
Ramp maximum slope 3” or less
1 in 8
Ramp maximum cross slope
1 in 48
Maximum rise for single ramp
ANSI 14.3
Safety Code for Fixed Ladders
Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators
Fire rating of enclosure around an area of refuge shall be
1 hr with 20 min doors
Sizing of area of refuge
1 30” x 48” wheelchari space for each 200 occupants being served
CABO / ANSI 117.1
American National Standrd of Accessible and Usable Buildings and Facilities
How to determine occupant load
Divide the floor area assigned to that use by the occupant laod factor. Use gross area if available
How to measure width of means of egress
Width is measured in the clear at the narrowest point oft he exit component under consideration
Egress capacity for stairs and ramps in most reas
.3 inch Stairs - .2 inch Ramps
Required capacity for an exit access corridor if calculated by:
Occupant load utilizing the corridor divided by the requed number of exits with a minimum required capacity of the exit door it leads to with a minimum widet of 36”
Minimum number of means of egress from any balcony, mezzanine, story or portion thereof shall be:
Minimum number of separate means of egress from any story or portion therof when occupant load in more than 1000 shall be:
Where exits are not immediately accessible from anopen floor area what shall occur?
Safe and continuous passageways, aisles, or corridors leading directly to every exist shall be mantained and shall be arranged to provide access for each occupant to at least 2 exits by separate ways of travel without passing through any intervening rooms other than corridors, lobbies and other spaces permitted to be open to the corridor
Placement of means of egress shall be:
Remotely located from each other and arranged and constructed to minimize the possiblity that more than one has the potential to be blokced by any one fire or other emergency condtion.
Where 2 exits are required they shall be placed at a distance from one another equal to:
at least one half the length of the maximum overall diagonal dimension of the building or area to be served, measured in a straight line between the nearest edge of the exit door
In no case shall access to an exit by through:
Kitchens, storerooms, restrooms, workrooms, closets, bedrooms or other rooms subject to locking
How is travel distance to an exit measured?
Starting at the most remote point it is measured along the centerline of natural travel with a 12” radius around any corners or obstruction, ending at the center of the exit door. When stairs are included in the exit path the measurement is taken in the plane of the tread nosing
Minimum foot candle value of lighting along a means of egress path measured at the floor shall be:
1 ft-candle or 10 lux
NFPA 110
Standard for Emergency and Standby Power Systems
NFPA 111
Standard on Stored Electrical Energy Emergency and Standby Power
National Electrical Code
UL 924
Standard for Safety EMergency Lighting and Power Equipment
Mechanical equipment rooms, boiler rooms, furnae rooms and similare spaces shall be arranged to limit common path of travel to not more than _______
50 ft.
NFPA 220
Standard on Types of Building Construction
Extend of Fire Cimpartments
/Continuous from outside wall to outside wall, from one fire barrier to another, or a combination therof, including continuity through all concealed spaces, such as those found aboe a ceilng, including interstitial spaces
NFPA 221
Standards for Fie Walls and Fire Barrier Walls
NFPA 251
Standard Methods of Test of Fire Endurance of Building Construction & Materials
NFPA 252
Standard Methods of Fire Tests of Door Assemblies
Standard for Fire Doors and Fire Wndows
Separation of elevator cars when there are three or fewer:
All can be in the same hoistway
Separation of elevator cars when there are four:
Must be in at least 2 separate hoistways
Separation of elevator cars when there are more than 4
A maximum of 4 can be in one hoistway
Mezzanine sized cannot be more than:
One third of the open area of the roomin which the mezzanine is located.
National Fire Alarm Code
Flammable and Combustible LIquids Code
National Fuel Gas Code
Standard for the Storage and Handling of Liqified Petroleium Gases
Standard on Fire Protection for Laboratories Using Chemicals
Standard for Health Care Facilities
NFPA 265
Standards Methods of Fire Tests for Evaluating Roof Fire Growth Contribution of Textile Wall Coverings
NFPA 255
Standard Method of Test of Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials
Class A Interior Wall and Ceiling Finsih: Flame spread of ____ __ _____ and smoke development of _______ _ _____
25 or less; 450 or less
Class B Interior Wall and Celing Finish: Flame spread of ___ - ____ amd smoke development between ____-____
26-75; 0-450
Class C Interior Wall and Ceiling Finish: Flame spread between ___-___; smoke developemnt between ____-____
76-200; 0-450
Class rating for Interior Wall and Ceiling finishes: A higher class than required can be used. What is the highest class rating?
NFPA 253
Standard Method o Test for Critical Radiant Flux of Floor Covering Systmes Using a Radiant Heat Energy Source
Class I Interior Floor FInish: Critical radint flux minimum of ____ W/sq cm
Clas II Interior Floor Finish: Critical radiuant flux miniumof ___ W /sq cm
NFPA 703
Standards for Fir Retardant Impregnated Wood and Fire etardant Coatings for Building Materials
NFPA 701
Standard Methods of Fire Tests for Flame-Resistant Textiels and Films
NFPA 260
Standard Methods of Tests and Classification Systmes for Cigarette Ignition Resistance of Components of Upholstered Furniture
NFPA 261
Standard Method of Test for Determining Resistnace of mock-Up Upholstered Furniture Material Assemblies to Ignition by Smoldering Cigarettes
What is the maximum char length acceptalbe under NFPA 261: Standard Mthod of Test for Determining Resistnad of Mock-Up Upholsterd Furniture Material Assemblies to Ignition by Smoldering Cigarettes?
1.5 inches
What is the maximum acceptable char length of matresses?
2 inches
NFPA 266
Standard Method of Test fo rFire Characteristics of Upholstered Furniture Exposed to Flaming Ignition Sourc
ASTM E1537
Stadard Method for Fire Testing ofo REal Scale Upholstered Funitue Items
ASTM E1590
Standard Method for Fire Testing of Real Scale Mattresses
If SF is over ____
Minimum number of separate means of egress from any story or portion therof when occupant load in more than 500 but less than 1000 shall be: