Left Realism Flashcards
All key words of left realism and crime
Moral decay, left realism, marginalised, capitalism, subculture, relatively deprived, formal social control, informal social control, square of crime, bulimic society, individualism
All key names of left realism in crime
Lea and young, young, Lewis et. Al
What is left realism accused of doing and how does the left criticise the right
Left critique: accused of not taking the issue of crime seriously, of reducing it to feeling sorry for the criminal or as relating everything to the capitalist state
Right critique: accused of over dramatising and distorting the nature of the problem with the talk of sick societies, moral decay, and groups in society out of control
What do left realists argues
- Most crime is committed by working class people against the other working class people
2.too often the victims of crime have been ignored, they focus on victims
- They argue that crime is a real problem especially among the working class and fear is justified
Do communities see police as enemy
Lea and young marginalisation
Lea and Young (1984) - Marginalisation
they point to a ‘growing army of young unemployed’ for whom a collective violence and the Temporary control over their territory through riot is a substitute for organised politics.
For left realism, the growing unrest and criminality of sections of working class youth has to be located in the context of wider structural processes associated with capitalism and the ending of manual jobs
How does left realism link to merton status frustration to committing crime
This why the WC commit crime
How does cohen link to merton status frustration to committing crime
WC want mainstream success though due to a lack of adequate education, resort to a delinquent subculture
How does taylor link to merton status frustration to committing crime
Tncs products moves to cheaper countries, deindustrialising Britain and resulting in unemployment and crime to survive
Runcimans, relative depravation
This refers to ones feeling in deprivity compared to others, leads to crime when people feel resentment that others have something they haven’t got. Media and advertising
What do left realists believe in regards to criminal subcultures
They still subscribe to mainstream values but achieve them in devious manners
Late modernity and a bulimic society young argues that late modern society we are now media saturated were everyone is included in consumer culture through constant exposure fo advertising
The media shows Us what our life should be like.
inclUsion is accompanied for those at the bottom of the class structure with exclusion as They cannot afford to buy new goods to shape their identity.he argues this creates a bulimic society
Young’s three features of modernity
yOung argues that relative deprivation is intensified by 3 features of modernity:
Growing individualism: there is a growing focUS on self-seeking, individual freedom c
less community spirit and concern for others.
The weakening of informal social control :Traditional family structures and communities breaking down therefore there is a lack of informal support on the behaviour of those within
a community
Growing economic inequality and economic change: Globalisation has meant that thegap between the wealthiest and the poorest has grown massively and The combination of this factors can be considered to be a toxic mix that generates crime amongst the most deprived communities.
What is a product of the three features if modernity mix
A toxic mix that generates crime in deprived communities
How can we criticise modernity features
Cohesive communities: clapping for nhs
Strengths of left realism
Has been praised for recognising crime
is a real problem, not just some people
being labelled
Has attempted to suggest ways crime
might be reduced, so is practical not
just theoretical
Does not appear as sympathetic to
criminals as both traditional Marxists and Interactionists
It recognises the importance of
Community solutions to crime and we
need victims, offenders, the police and
the public involve in reducing crime
Limitations of left realism
Some of their solufions to crime apr
to be either very long Term and/or
Marxists criticise them for ignoring the
really serious crimes of the rich and
Interactionists maintain the crime
statistics really are distorted by police
attitudes, for example, where they
choose to police
It relies on victim surveys which measure
the extent and fear of crime yet these
may be focussed on some crimes not