lecture 6 Flashcards
mental state in which the individuals cognitive judgement and contact with reality are disturbed
major disturbances in thought emotion and behaviour
disordered thinking
ideas not logically related , faulty perception and attention
lack of emotional expressiveness
inappropriate / flat emotions
disturbances in movement or behaviour
disheveled appearance eg wearing jumpers in hot weather
withdrawal from there people and from everyday reality
significantly increased rates of suicide and death - disrupt interpersonal relationships , diminish capacity to work or live independently
problem with maintaining
social relationships - difficult to get along with everyone
historical concept
emil kraepelin classified what was previously considered to be a unitary concept of psychosis into 2 distinct forms of manic depression and dementia praecox
manic depression
now seen as comprising a range of mood disorders such as recurrent major depression and bipolar disorder
dementia praecox
nowadays known as schizophrenia
bleaker coined the term
schizophrenia - split mind - loosening of thoughts and feelings
DSM criteria for schizophrenia
two or more of the following at least 1 month of acute episode- delusions , hallucinations, disorganised speech, disorganised behaviour and negative symptoms as well as decreased functioning in work, self care or relationships
3 major clusters of symptoms
positive, negative or disorganised
excess/distortion of nor al functions eg hallucinations and delusion s
normal functioning is limited eg speech poverty and avolition
disorganised behaviour and speech
firmly held beliefs , false contrary to reality and resistant to discomforting evidence
types of delusions
persecutory delusions, grandeur, thought insertion , thought broadcasting and delusion of guilt
when someone sees , hears , smells or tastes things that don’t exist outside our mind
hallucinations are
normally auditory - 74%. hearing voices - increased levels of activity in Brocas area - produce language
negative symptoms example
abolition- lack of interest, asociality , anhedonia- no feeling of pleasure , blunted affect- emotion and logia - reduction in speech
disorganised speech
incoherence - inability to organise ideas, loose associations- derailment- rambles difficultly sticking to one topic
disorganised behaviour
odd / peculiar behaviour - silliness agitation unusual dress
movement symptoms
catatonia state of apparent unresponsiveness to external stimuli
motor abnormalities - repetitive complex gestures
catatonic immobility
maintain unusual posture for long periods of time
waxy flexibility
limbs can be manipulated and posed by another person